Rozprawka. Pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje dla młodych ludzi spowodowane przeprowadzką z małego miasta lub wsi do stolicy/ metropolii. - wzór wypracowania

Rozprawka. Pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje dla młodych ludzi spowodowane przeprowadzką z małego miasta lub wsi do stolicy/ metropolii.

A lot of young people living in smaller towns or villages dream of moving to a big city. The opportunity sometimes arrives when they finish secondary school and can go on to higher education. Is this always the case of a 'dream-come-true' or are there any disadvantages to taking such a radical step in life?

One of the undoubted advantages of moving to the capital or another big city is that they offer access to theatre performances, art exhibitions and a variety of other cultural events. What is more, in a big city young people can join discussion clubs, get involved in social initiatives, take part in meetings, demonstrations, happenings. All these forms of activity provide a window to the world, making young people aware of who they are and what they want and can do in life.

On the other hand, life in big cities is not always as pleasant as it may seem. Having lived in isolation from direct contact with street violence or drug dealers, young people from villages or towns can suddenly find themselves in dangerous situations. Another problem is that learning independence, however useful and necessary, may sometimes be painful for those used to living in a smaller community, surrounded by people they could count on.

To sum up, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages to settling down in a big city. The arguments against cannot be ignored but should not be exaggerated either. Young people should be prepared for any adversities rather than discouraged from changes altogether. Sometimes only radical solutions can give hope for improvement.

liczba słów: ~261

undoubted - niewątpliwy
aware - świadom
isolation - izolacja, oddzielenie
community - społeczność
painful - bolesny
surrounded - otoczony
exaggerate - wyolbrzymiać, przesadzać
adversity - przeciwność losu, niepomyślność
improvement - poprawa

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