sprawdzenie tekstu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu i wskazanie ewentualnych błędów/wytknięcie rzeczy, które trzeba poprawić.

Let's begin with the fact, I have many hobbies. I like drawing, painting, listening to music. I also like reading books, I can cook pretty well and I just love cants and going to concerts. Those things are my way of expressing myself. Another people can understand me better when they know somethng about my passions. Everything is important, any detail isn’t unworthy. But I think that a special passion for me is writing. I don’t really know when it started. Maybe it did when I was 10… I’m not sure. I began with writing some funny and childish stories about animals. I was really young so I feel justified – it’s nothing strange in this age.
In the course of time I’ve change my way of looking for writing. I’ve stopped treating it only just like a way for boredom. I’ve found in it a real passion. I understood that when I write, my mood may become better, I get relaxed. It’s not a rule but – anyroad – it has an effect on me in a really distinct way. I started to write more and more stories or another texts… Every one of them was different but every expressed me somehow.
I read many books. I don’t have a favourite literary genre or writer. It all depends on my mood. Sometimes I read some romantic stories, sometimes it’s a horror book. However, If we’re talking about writers, in my humble opinion one of the best writer is Stephen King. The first King’s book I read was „The Call”. The book made me kind of scared but it also made me I wanted to read more and more horrors. Stephen King has became an inpiration for me. In my opinion, is style of writing and ideas are amazing and I try to be… No, I don’t try be as good as he is, because it would be stupid. I’ll never be like him. So – I try to be myself and make my own specyfic writing style.
I also like reading books, I can cook pretty well and I just love 'cants' (?) and going to concerts. 'Another' (OTHER) people can understand me better when they know somethng about my passions. Everything is important, 'any detail isn’t unworthy' (cos tu nie tak, napisz...even down to the last detail).
I was really young so I feel justified – it’s nothing strange 'in' AT this age.
In the course of time I’ve 'change' zly czas) my way of looking 'for' AT writing. I’ve stopped treating it only just like a way (to combat boredom). 'for boredom' (niepotr).
I get relaxed. It’s not a rule but – 'anyroad' (ok ale troche kolokw) – it has an effect on me in a really distinct way. I started to write more and more stories or 'another' OTHER (poczytaj o roznicy) texts…
If we’re talking about writers, in my humble opinion one of the best 'writer' tutaj l. mn) is Stephen King. The first 'King’s book' (daj to inaczej...book of King's which) I read was „The Call”. The book made me kind of scared but it also made me 'I wanted' WANT to read more and more horrors. Stephen King has 'became' (zly czas) an inpiration for me. In my opinion, 'is' (ortog) style of writing and ideas are amazing and I try to be…
So – I try to be myself and make my own 'specyfic' (ortog) writing style.
Dziękuję bardzo za te poprawki.
A co do tego czasu, powinien być Past Simple, tak? Po prostu became?
Cytat: rainbowsake
Dziękuję bardzo za te poprawki.
A co do tego czasu, powinien być Past Simple, tak? Po prostu became?

Stephen King has become an inspiration,
Stephen King became an inspiration


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