Udana impreza miejska (dłuższa wersja) - wzór wypracowania

Udana impreza miejska (dłuższa wersja)

Like every spring, this year the authorities of our city organised a three-day celebration for its inhabitants. It started on Friday afternoon and finished on Sunday night. I took part in some of a wide variety of events and I must admit that I had a great time.

Everything started with a concert in our park in the city centre. Each year a few well-known artists arrive but this year we were amazed to see live such stars as Lady Gaga, Radiohead, Natalia Kukulska, and Eminem. There were also some local bands, so everybody had something to choose from. The stage was beautifully decorated and each of the artists had prepared their own special effects. Lady Gaga, e.g., jumped onto the stage from a helicopter, with a parachute of course.The atmosphere was fantastic, especially towards the end of the evening, when it had got dark and there was a show of fireworks which created the most amazing images in the sky.

On Saturday there were some competitions. I took part in a race in high-heeled shoes and my friend decided to try her luck in a lookalike contest. The audience chose someone who most resembles a famous person. My friend looks a bit like Natalie Portman, but the winner was Doda's lookalike. Everybody was shocked to see an exact copy of the Polish singer. There was also a competition for pet owners. We voted for the nicest pet which turned out to be a beautiful lizard. That event was a lot of fun, because the animals caused quite a stir.

Sunday was the cooking and eating day. There were masses of food to taste. In our city there is an Indian and a Chinese community. Their representatives cooked absolutely fantastic dishes. I had a piece of everything so I came back home feeling so full I could hardly move.

The weekend had passed very quickly. It was a time to remember also because everything was perfectly organised and the people who had come to enjoy the events did not cause any trouble. Although there were quite a lot of police officers to keep order, they did not have much work to do.

liczba słów: ~358

authorities - władze
a celebration - święto
inhabitants - mieszkańcy
a variety - różnorodność, wybór
an event - impreza, wydarzenie
to admit - przyznać
amazed - zdumieni
a stage - scena
live - na żywo
special effects - efekty specjalne
a parachute - spadochron
a contest - konkurs
a lookalike - sobowtór
to resemble - przypominać (kogoś, coś)
fireworks - fajerwerki
amazing - niesamowity
a community - społeczność
a representative - przedstawiciel
a dish - danie
to turn out - okazać się
a lizard - jaszczurka
to pass - mijać

to cause a stir - wywołać zamieszanie, wzbudzić emocje
to try one's luck - spróbować swojego szczęścia
to keep order - utrzymać porządek

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