There are 500,000 well-paid jobs waiting for Polish nurses in U.S.
Recruitment specialists representing a holding of six Georgia hospitals have started interviewing 600 nursing candidates in Warsaw and Kraków. The recruitmentrekrutacja drive is being conductedto conduct: przeprowadzać by Job Net for an American company CSI. "Different sourcessource: źródło, government included, state that in the next few years the U.S. will be in need of an extra 250 to 500-thousand nurses," said CSI's manager Witold A. Zabiński. He added that successful candidates will receive about $50,000 a year and the same conditions as American employees. The company requiresto require: wymagać candidates to speak English and have at least five year's experience as a nurse. Those who pass the initialwstępny vettingto vet: sprawdzać dokładnie stage will receive six months training. They will then have to pass a language test and medical exams to allow them to work as a nurse in the U.S. Visas will be provided by their American employers. CSI is considering taking over one of this c ountry's nursing high schools or creating its own to train nurses to U.S. standards.
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