
Vegetarianism is a dietary practice excludingto exclude: wykluczać, wyłączać, omijać all body parts of any animal and products derived from animals (e.g., lardsmalec, tallowłój, gelatin, cochineal) from one's diet. Many contemporary vegetarian diets include some honey as well as milk and other dairy products, and some include eggs.

Varieties of vegetarianism (terminology)

Different practices of vegetarianism include:

  • Strict vegetarians avoid the consumption of all animal products (e.g., eggs, milk and cheese, honey). Today, strict vegetarians are commonly called vegans, though some reserve this term for those who additionally avoid usage of all kinds of animal products (e.g., leather and some cosmetics), not just food.

  • Ovo-lacto vegetarians eschewto eschew: unikać, wystrzegać się, powstrzymywać się the eating of all meat, yet allow the consumption of animal products such as eggs and milk. Ovo-lacto vegetarians who are such for ethical reasons may additionally refuse to eat cheese made with animal-based enzymes, or eggs produced by factory farms. The term "vegetarian" is most commonly intended to mean "ovo-lacto vegetarian", particularly as "vegan" has gained acceptance as the term for stricter practice.

  • Lacto vegetarianism refers to the practice of eschewing all meat, yet allowing the consumption of milk and its derivativesderivative: pochodny, like cheese, butter or yogurt.

  • Similarly, ovo-vegetarians eat eggs in addition to their otherwise strictly vegetarian regimentryb życia, dieta.

  • Macrobiotics involves a diet consisting mostly of whole grains and beans, and is usually spiritually-based like Fructarianism (see below).

  • Raw Foodism involves food, usually vegan, which is not heated above 116F; it may be warmed slightly or rawsurowy, naturalny, but never cooked. Raw Foodists argue that cooking destroys enzymes, and/or portions of each nutrientskładnik pokarmowy, środek odżywczy; this is true, but most rawsurowy, naturalny foodists also acknowledge that for some foods, as cooking softens them, their nutrients become more bioavailable, which more than negates the destruction of some nutrients and enzymes. Some rawsurowy, naturalny-foodists, called living-foodists, also 'activate' the enzymes, e.g. by soakingto soak: moczyć, nasączać in water, a while before they plan to eat the food. Some spiritual rawsurowy, naturalny-foodists are also Fructarians and some eat only organic foods (see below).

Religious dietary restrictions come in many forms and are sometimes compatible with the secular terminology; see below.

The following are not generally considered vegetarianism:

  • Fructarians, more commonly called "fruitarians", eat only fruit, nuts, seeds and other plant matter that can be gathered without harming the plant. This typically arises out ofto arise out of: powstawać (z), pojawiać się a holistic philosophy. Thus a fructarian will eat beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and the like, but will refuse to eat potatoes or spinach. Technically, fructarianism is a kind of vegetarianism, but its much stricter definition is very rarely seen as being the same thing as vegetarianism. It is also hotly disputed whether it is possible to avoid malnutritionniedożywienie with a fructarian diet. Fructarianism is much rarer than vegetarianism or veganism.

  • Some people choose to avoid certain types of meat for many of the same reasons that others choose vegetarianism: health, ethical beliefs, etc. For example, some people will not eat "red meat" (mammal meat – beef, lamb, pork, etc.) while still consuming poultry and seafood. This is not traditional vegetarianism, but has recently been referred to in the media as semi-vegetarianism (or see Pesco/Pollo vegetarianism for other terms). Some non-vegetarians thus assume vegetarianism to be pesco/pollo vegetarianism.

  • Others might regard the suffering of animals in factory farm conditions as their solejedyny, wyłączny reason for avoiding meat or meat based foods. These people will eat meat, or meat products, from animals raised under more humane conditions or hunted in the wild. Some of these people would refer to themselves as vegetarians.

  • Freegans subscribe to a purely environmental mentality: although meat is generally avoided, eating meat that has been discardedto discard: wyrzucać, odrzucać, pozbywać się by others is acceptable. The environmental impact of this practice is seen as nullnieważny or perhaps even beneficial (although discardedto discard: wyrzucać, odrzucać, pozbywać się meat can be safely composted in some facilities). Freegans often prefer discardedto discard: wyrzucać, odrzucać, pozbywać się food in any case, even if it is not meat. But producing meat is believed to have more environmental impact than other foods, so this is often the focus of freeganism.

In current English, the term "vegetarian" is occasionally used for restricted diets that nevertheless include some types of meat. Usually these deviations from traditional usage are made casually, perhaps for lack of a better word. The resulting confusion of terms can create awkward situations for more strict vegetarians, however, as any traditional vegetarian who has been expected to eat a dish because it "only contains a little meat" (or "is just fish") can readily attestzaświadczać, potwierdzać.

In 1847, attendees at the meeting of the first Vegetarian Society in Ramsgate, England, agreed that a "vegetarian" was a person who refuses to consume fleshciało,mięso of any kind. Prior to that time, vegetarians had often been called Pythagoreans, after the philosopher and his followers who also abstained fromto abstain from: powstrzymywać się od meat (and beans).

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to exclude

wykluczać, wyłączać, omijać





to eschew

unikać, wystrzegać się, powstrzymywać się




tryb życia, dieta


surowy, naturalny


składnik pokarmowy, środek odżywczy

to soak

moczyć, nasączać

arises out of
to arise out of

powstawać (z), pojawiać się




jedyny, wyłączny

to discard

wyrzucać, odrzucać, pozbywać się




zaświadczać, potwierdzać



prior to sth

wcześniej, przed czymś

abstained from
to abstain from

powstrzymywać się od

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