The human skeleton is made of bones, some of them joined together, supported and supplementedto supplement: uzupełniać, dodawać, dołączać by a structure of ligamentsligamnet: więzadło, tendonstendon: ścięgno, muscles, and cartilagechrząstka.
The skeleton changes compositionskład over a lifespanżycie, dlugość życia. Early in gestationciąża, a fetuspłód has no hard skeleton - bones form gradually during nine months in the wombmacica, łono. When a baby is born it has more bones than it will as an adult On average, an adult human has 206 bones in their skeleton (the number can vary slightly from individual to individual), but a baby is born with approximatelyw przybliżeniu, około 270. The difference comes from a number of small bones that fusełączyć się together during growth. These include the bones in the skull and the spine. The sacrumkość krzyżowa (the bone at the basepodstawa, baza of the spine) consists of six bones which are separated at birth but fusełączyć się together into a solid structure in later years.
There are 6 bones (three on each side) in the middle earucho środkowe that articulatełączyć, połączony stawem only with themselves, and one bone, the hyoidgnykowy bone, which does not touch any other bones in the body.
The longest bone in the body is the femurkość udowa and the smallest is the stapesstrzemiączko bone in the middle earucho środkowe.
The skeleton functions not only as the support for the body but also in haematopoiesiswytwarzanie komórek krwi, the manufacturewytwarzanie, produkcja of blood cellscell: komórka that takes place in bone marrowszpik, rdzeń. It is also necessary for protection of vital organs and is needed by the muscles for movement.
Gender differences
There are small differences between the male and female human skeletons. Men tend to have slightly thicker and longer limbkończyna bones while women tend to have larger pelvicmiednicowy bones in relation tow stosunku do body size.
According to the Bible, Adam had his lower ribżebro removed to make Eve; this has given rise to a (mistaken) belief that men have one less ribżebro than women.
The lower ribżebro can actually regenerate if the periosteumokostna is left intactnietknięty, nienaruszony. Within the periosteumokostna are cellscell: komórka, which can generate new bone. It is especially effective in young people. Thoracic surgeons are well aware of the regenerating ability of lower ribżebro bones. Intercostal muscles attached to the lower ribżebro also provide it with a good supply of blood required for regeneration.
One way to group the bones of the human skeleton is to divide them into two groups, namely the axialosiowy skeleton and the appendicular skeletonszkielet kończyn. The axialosiowy skeleton consists of bones in the midlinelinia środkowa ciała and includes all the bones of the head and neck, the vertebraevertebra, ribs and sternummostek. The appendicular skeletonszkielet kończyn consists of the claviclesclavicle: obojczyk, scapulaełopatka, bones of the upper limbkończyna, bones of the pelvismiednica and bones of the lower limbkończyna.
The bones of the human skeleton are structurally and in many taxonomies organized as those of the:
Url źródłowy:
uzupełniać, dodawać, dołączać
życie, dlugość życia
macica, łono
w przybliżeniu, około
łączyć się
ucho środkowe
łączyć, połączony stawem
kość krzyżowa
podstawa, baza
kość udowa
wytwarzanie komórek krwi
wytwarzanie, produkcja
szpik, rdzeń
w stosunku do
nietknięty, nienaruszony
zdawać sobie sprawę, odczuwać
szkielet kończyn
linia środkowa ciała
kończyna górna
kończyna dolna
obręcz kończyny dolnej
klatka piersiowa
uposledzić, ujawniać, skompromitować
ruchliwość, mobilność
osłabiać, wyniszczać
osłabienie, utrata sił
złamanie, pęknięcie