Bridget Jones's Diary is a novel by Helen Fielding in the form of a diary. The diary evolved from English newspaper columns in The Independent and later The Daily Telegraph. The book was turned into a movie the same name in 2001. The movie was directed by Sharon Maguire.
It chronicles the life of Bridget Jones, a thirtysomethingtrzydziestoparoletni singleton woman living in London, surrounded by a 'surrogate familyrodzina zastepcza' of friends as she tries to make sense of life and love in the 1990s. Often hystericallyhisterycznie funny, the column accuratelydokładnie, celnie lampoonedto lampoon: ośmieszać the obsessions of women's magazines such as Cosmopolitan and wider societal trends in Britain at the time. The columns were made into a novel in 1996. A sequel, The Edge of Reason, followed in 1999.
The movie starredto star: grać główną rolę Renee Zellweger as Bridget, Hugh Grant as the caddish Daniel Cleaver and Colin Firth as Bridget's 'true love' Mark Darcy. The novel mentioned humorously an actual incident between Hugh Grant and a prostitute, but references to this were not included in the film script. Before the film came outto come out: wychodzić, wydawać a considerableznaczny, poważny amount of controversy surrounded the castingobsada of the American Zellweger as what some saw as a quintessentiallyistotnie, fundamentalnie British heroine: however, her performance is widely considered to be of a high standard. Also notable is the decision to cast Colin Firth as Darcy, since he played the 'real' Mr Darcy in the BBC adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and Bridget interviews the actor himself in the second book! The film includes a hilarious cameo from Salman Rushdie.
The director of the film, Sharon Maguire, is one of Fielding's friends who the character of "Shazza" was reportedlyprawdopodobnie, przypuszczalnie based on.
A movie of the second book was released in 2004.
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