Harry Potter
Harry Potter is the informal name given to a collection of fantasy novels by J. K. Rowling, and the movies based on them. The series is named after the protagonistbohater, Harry James Potter who was born July 31, 1980 given the timeline below. The first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneHarry Potter i kamień filozoficzny (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the United States) was releasedto release: wydawać in 1997.
The Harry Potter books are primarilygłównie, przede wszystkim aimed atto aim at: skierować do, mieć na celu older children, but have fans of all ages, as demonstrated by the publication of editions of each book with more maturedojrzały coverokładka artworkopracowanie graficzne/ilustracyjne. There is also a series of Warner Brothers films of the same name and based directly on the books, the first of which was releasedto release: wydawać in 2001.
According to Rowling, the stories appeared in her head, fully formeduformowany, ukształtowany, while she was on a train from Manchester to London, although her favourite place to write the first book was a table in a café while she drank endlessbezustannie, bez końca cups of coffee. The sales from the books as well as royaltieshonorarium autorskie from films and merchandisetowar have, according to unsubstantiated rumoursniepotwierdzone, bezpodstawne plotki and magazine articles, made her richer than Queen Elizabeth II, though in a 2003 interview, Rowling denied having more than Ł280,000,000 (which is, supposedly, Queen Elizabeth's fortune).
Each book so far chroniclesto chronicle: notować, rejestrować one year in Harry's life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraftczarna magia, czary and Wizardrymagia, czarodziejstwo where he learns magic. Rowling has announced that seven books are planned, each graduallystopniowo a little darker than its predecessorpoprzednik as Harry ages and his nemesisnemezis, coś co powoduje śmierć i nieszczęście, Lord Voldemort (Tom Marvolo Riddle) gains powerto gain power: zyskiwać, zdobywać siłę, moc. As of 2004 five books have been published and the sixth is underwayw trakcie, entitled Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHarry Potter i Książe Półkrwi. Hints about the plot of this book have been revealedto reveal: ujawniać, odsłaniać, odkrywać by Rowling on her personal website.
The books are written in the third person, with limited omniscienceograniczona wszechwiedza, from the point of view of Harry. (As an illustration, imagine a map of the North Pole. The center is the pole itself, and everything around it — Greenland, Canada, Russia, etc — can be measured by its distance from the Pole. This is how the narrative of the novels unfoldsto unfold: osłaniać, ujawniać, rozwijać; Harry is the Pole, and all of the action happens around him or to him. Otherwise, the action doesn't take place directly either to Harry or to the reader. This is one reason readers feel such a strong kinshippokrewieństwo, związek to Harry — the story is literallydosłownie told through his character.) There are two exceptions:
- Chapter One of Philosopher's Stone : half of it is written from the point of view of Harry's uncle, Vernon Dursley and the other is written from an objectiveobiektywny, bezstronny point of view
- Chapter One of Goblet of Fire : apart from the initialpoczątkowy, wstepny scene-settingotoczenie miejsca, tło, plener, this chapter is written from the point of view of a minor characterdrugorzędny bohater, Frank Bryce; the action is however witnessed by Harry himself in a dream.
Apart from these two clear exceptions, the second half of Chapter One of Philosopher's Stone and a scene during the Quidditch match in that book are written from an independent point of view.
The books have been compared to Ursula K. Le Guin's
A Wizard of Earthsea, C. S. Lewis's
The Chronicles of Narnia, the novels of Diana Wynne Jones, and the works of Philip Pullman; they also fit into a British genre of novels about
boarding schoolszkoła z internatem life, and the sections involving Potter's relatives the Dursleys remind some readers of Roald Dahl's works. Based on their common fantastic elements, the
appealurok, powab, atrakcja to both children and adults, the fantasy-genre crossing over into
mainstreamgłowny nurt, dominujący trend popularity, and the movie adaptation, the series has also drawn comparisons to J. R. R. Tolkien's
The Lord of the Rings.
Elements of the Potter story also echo that of Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars saga: Both Skywalker and Potter are
orphansorphan: sierota raisedwychowany by an aunt and uncle. Both posess a magical power that they do not fully comprehend and occasionally use
recklesslylekkomyślnie, nierozważnie. Both
featureprzedstawiać, prezentować a
messengerposłaniecsage (Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, Hagrid in Potter) sent to lead them to a sage (Yoda and Dumbledore) who will instruct them further.
Certain aspects of the Harry Potter series have even entered the real world as products to be
purchasedto purchase: kupywać, nabywać by fans of the series. One such
merchandisinghandlowanie example is Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.
unpermittedniedozwolony, nie mający pozwolenia derivativepochodny books have been written, either directly featuring Harry Potter, or using similarly named characters. J. K. Rowling and her publishers are currently making
attemptsattempt: próba, zamiar to stop the distribution of these books.
ControversyThe books have provoked various kinds of controversy.
Accusations of promoting witchcraftThe American Library Association
tracksto track: śledzić, wyszukiwać the number of
challengeschallenge: wyzwanie, sprzeciw (formal written complaints made to a library or school about a
book's contentzawartość książki or
appropriatenessstosowność) made to books
annuallycorocznie, co roku. The Harry Potter series are among the most frequently challenged from 1998 to present. The complaints
allegeinsynuować, utrzymywać że that the books have
occultokultystyczny or Satanic themes, are violent, and are anti-family.
Some Christian groups in the United States have
denouncedto denounce: potępiać the series for promoting witchcraft or Satanism. "It contains some powerful and valuable lessons about love and courage and the
ultimateostateczny victory of good over evil," said Paul Hetrick,
spokesmanrzecznik prasowy for Focus on the Family, a national Christian-fundamentalist group based in Colorado Springs. "However, the positive messages are
packaged in a mediumzapakowany w nośnik — witchcraft — that is directly
denouncedto denounce: potępiać in
scriptureświęta księga, Biblia."
Some groups have burned or attempted to burn (such burnings require permits in most locations) J.K. Rowling's books, often with other books
deemedto deem: uważać, uznawać to contradictprzeczyć, zaprzeczać biblical teachingsbiblijne nauczanie.
In contrast, the Catholic Church gave the series its approval by saying that it is
imbued withnasycony, przepojonym czymś Christian morals and that the good versus evil plot is very clear. Christian Congregationalist minister John Killinger also argued that, rather than corrupting children's minds, the novel encourages young readers to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. The book The Hidden Key to Harry Potter: Understanding the Meaning, Genius, and Popularity of Joanne Rowling's Harry Potter Novels, written by John Granger, a Reader in the Orthodox Church, claims to uncover Christian themes in its analysis of the story.
Accusations of plagiarismRowling was
suedto sue: skarżyć, zaskarżać, pozywać by Nancy Stouffer, writer of The Legend of Rah and the Muggles. Published in 1984, the book featured a
protagonistbohater named Larry Potter, and also included such characters as Lilly Potter, Larry's cousin. Stouffer alleged
copyright infringementnaruszenie praw autorskich, but U.S. District Judge Allen G. Schwartz rejected Nancy Stouffer's claims that she was plagiarized and fined Stouffer $50,000 for "
submissionprzedstawienie, przedłożenie of fraudulent documents" and "untruthful testimony." Stouffer was also required to pay a portion of the
attorney's feesattorney's fee: wynagrodzenie, honorarium incurredponiesiony, zaciągnięty by Rowling, her U.S. publisher Scholastic Press, and Warner Bros. Films.
Comic book fans have noted that a comic book series first published in 1990 by DC Comics called
The Books of Magic by Neil Gaiman shares many similarities to Rowling's book. These include a dark haired young boy with glasses named Tim Hunter who discovers his own potential as the most powerful wizard of his age after being approached by
magic wieldingużywający magii individuals, the first of whom gifts him with a pet owl. Rowling officially denies being aware of this series, and Gaiman has gone on record stating that he believes similarities to be either
coincidencezbieg okoliczności, przypadek or drawn from the same fantasy archetypes.
Url źródłowy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter i kamień filozoficzny
głównie, przede wszystkim
aimed at
to aim at
skierować do, mieć na celu
opracowanie graficzne/ilustracyjne
fully formed
uformowany, ukształtowany
unsubstantiated rumours
niepotwierdzone, bezpodstawne plotki
nemezis, coś co powoduje śmierć i nieszczęście
gains power
to gain power
zyskiwać, zdobywać siłę, moc
to reveal
ujawniać, odsłaniać, odkrywać
to unfold
osłaniać, ujawniać, rozwijać
inaczej, w innym przypadku, w przeciwnym razie
otoczenie miejsca, tło, plener
głowny nurt, dominujący trend
lekkomyślnie, nierozważnie
przedstawiać, prezentować
niedozwolony, nie mający pozwolenia
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter i Komnata Tajemnic
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter i Więzień Azbakanu
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter i Czara Ognia
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter i Książe Półkrwi
broken down
to break down
insynuować, utrzymywać że
imbued with
nasycony, przepojonym czymś
to sue
skarżyć, zaskarżać, pozywać
copyright infringement
naruszenie praw autorskich
przedstawienie, przedłożenie
fraudulent testimony
fałszywe oswiadczenie, świadectwo
attorney's fees
attorney's fee
wynagrodzenie, honorarium
zbieg okoliczności, przypadek
dorodny, kobieta o rubensowskich kształtach, przy kości