The Matrix

The Matrix is a film first releasedto release: wydawać, wypuszczać in the USA on March 31, 1999, written and directed by the Wachowski brothers (Andy and Larry). It stars Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Hugo Weaving.

The story is about a young computer hacker who learns about the true nature of his reality and gets involved with a band of rebels fighting against the masters of it, sentientczujący, odczuwający computer programs called agents.

The Matrix earned $171 million in the US and $456 million worldwide. The movie's unexpected success and cult following led to the next two films (The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions), a computer/video game (Enter the Matrix), and a collection of nine animated shorts (The Animatrix). It is important to note that the Wachowskis always intended to make a trilogy and it was only after doing well that they were allowed to make the next two films. All of the ideas were written by the Wachowski brothers, although five of the nine animated shorts count among their authors noted figures from the world of Japanese animation (anime). Also, the movie's official website provides free comics, set in the world of The Matrix. Some of these comics are now available in printed form (on 120 pages), although the creators claim that free comics will be available on the site in the future.

A computer software programmer named Thomas A. Anderson, who prefers his hacker name "Neo," is contacted by a group of humans who resist the Matrix. Morpheus, their leader and a practitionerpraktykujący of critical pedagogy, explains to Neo that the Matrix is a false reality and invites him to enter the "real world." There Neo discovers that the year is not 1999, but about 2199 and that humanityludzkość is fighting a war against intelligent machines. Morpheus has rescued Neo from the Matrix because he believes that Neo is "The One," who will destroy the Matrix and save humankindludzkość. It turns out that the world which Neo has inhabited since birth, the Matrix, is an illusory simulated reality construct of the world of 1999, developed by the machines to keep the human population docileposłuszny, uległy whilstpodczas gdy they are used as power plants to keep the computers running.

Morpheus believes that Neo has the power to free humankindludzkość from its enslavementujarzmienie, niewola through complete masterywładza, panowanie over the Matrix. Neo is initiallypoczątkowo skepticalsceptyczny, but learns how he can "bend the rules" of the Matrix. He also forms a close personal relationship with a female member of the group, Trinity. Inside the Matrix, the humans are pursuedto pursue: śledzić, prześladować by a group of self-aware programs, called Agents, capable of punchingto punch: przebijać, wybijać through walls and dodgingto dodge: unikać, omijać bulletsbullet: pocisk, kula, as well as having incredible martial artsmartial art: sztuka samoobrony enabling skills. Their most powerful skill is their ability to "jump" between bodies, enabling them to take over any person who has not been disconnected from the Matrix.

When one member of the resistanceopór (code named Cypher, who is subsequentlypóźniej, dalej killed offto kill off: zabić) betraysto betray: zdradzać them and allows Agents to capture Morpheus, Neo goes back into The Matrix with Trinity to save their leader. After Morpheus and Trinity exit the Matrix, Agent Smith, the leader of the Agents, destroys the phone boothbudka telefoniczna from which the escape signal was being broadcasted. Subsequently, Neo engagesto engage: angażować się in a final duelpojedynek with the program, killing the agent's current body. He then fleesto flee: uciekać, ratować się ucieczką as a new Agent Smith arrives, having just taken over a new person.

Upon reaching the second location of a hard line (a hijackedporwany, uprowadzony phoneline which carries the escape sequence necessary for exit from the Matrix), Neo is shot in the chest by Agent Smith. Neo slumps overto slump over: opadać, spadać, apparentlypozornie dead. However, in the real world, Trinity refuses to accept Neo's death, and whispers into his ear that she now believes what the prophecyproroctwo, przepowiednia has foretoldto foretell: przepowiadać, przewidywać. Neo, who is seeminglyna pozór, z wyglądu awakenedto awaken: rozbudzać, przebudzać się by the power of her love, realizes the fabricatedzmyślony, sfabrykowany nature of the Matrix, and it is only then that he is able to transcendprzewyższać, przekraczać, górować the world around him. Empowered by this newfoundnowoodkryty notionwyobrażenie, pragnienie, mniemanie of disbeliefniewiara, niedowierzanie, Neo effortlesslybez wysiłku, z łatwością defeats Agent Smith, thereby "deleting" him from the Matrix. He returns to the real world and is greetedto greet: witać, powitać by Trinity and Morpheus.


The story makes numerous references to historical and literary myths, including Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Judeo-Catholic imagery about Messianism and the novels of William Gibson, especially Neuromancer. Gibson popularized the concept of a world wide computer network with a virtual reality interface, which was named "the matrix" in his Sprawl Trilogy. However the concept and name apparentlypozornie originated even earlier in the 1976 serial The Deadly Assassin on the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who, which featured a virtual reality known as the Matrix. The first writer about a virtual reality, populated with unsuspecting victims, was Daniel F. Galouye with Simulacron Three 1964.

The concept of artificial intelligence overthrowing or enslaving mankind had previously been touched on by hundreds of science fiction stories, cinematically most notably in James Cameron's 1984 film, The Terminator. The idea of a world controlled by machines and all of humanityludzkość living underground goes back to the 1909 short story "The Machine Stops" by E. M. Forster.

The Matrix heavily borrowed plot and style from the film Dark City releasedto release: wydawać, wypuszczać in 1998. It even reused some of its film sets, as it was filmed shortly after. The Matrix has many other cinematic influences, ranging from explicit homage to stylistic nuances. Its action scenes, with a physics-defying style also drawn directly from martial artsmartial art: sztuka samoobrony enabling films, are notable. They integrate Hong Kong style kung fu hand-to-hand combat (under the skilled guidance of Yuen Wo Ping) and wire work, the hyper-active gun fights of directors such as John Woo and Ringo Lam, and classic American action movie tropes, including a rooftop chase. The film also borrows plot aspects from Strange Days (entering and experiencing a virtual world as a premise for action sequences) and many other films and novels (our own technology is turned against us, creating a post-apocolyptic earth in which a small human "resistanceopór" must fight the machines).

It could also be argued that The Matrix was originally based on or inspired by the concept of Ghost hacking, which is taken from the anime science-fiction film Ghost in the Shell. Joel Silver stated in a Matrix making-of documentary that the Wachowski brothers showed him a "Japanimation" and told him they wanted to make a film of that animation.

Additionally, there are notable influences from Japanese animation (anime). Both a scene near the end of the movie, where Neo's breathing seems to buckle the fabric of reality in the corridor where he is standing, as well as the "psychic children" scene in the Oracle's waiting room are evocative of similar scenes from the 1980s anime classic Akira. The title sequence, the rooftop chase scene where an agent breaks a concrete tile on the roof when landing after a jump, the scene late in the movie where a character hides behind a column while pieces of it are blown away by bulletsbullet: pocisk, kula, and a chase scene in a fruit market where shots hit watermelons, are practically identical to shots in the aforementioned Ghost in the Shell.

The Matrix follows all phases of the Campbellian heroic myth arc with near-literal precision, including even minor details like the circular journey, the crucial battle happening underground, and even the three-headed immortal enemy (the three agents).

Elements of theology and philosophy are heavily present in The Matrix. Also, students of Gnosticism will notice many of its themes touched upon. There are also many references to Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Christianity, with concepts of Enlightenment/Nirvana and rebirth. Further references to Buddhism/Hinduism include the free will versus fate debate and the nature of reality, perception, enlightenment, Karma and existence. In many ways The Matrix is about a kind of reality enforcement, or similarly, hyperreality.

There have been several books and websites written about the philosophy of The Matrix. One of the major issues in the film is the question of the validity of the world around us, i.e., what is reality, or whether what is happening is merely sensory information fed to us, is also raised in other science fiction films including eXistenZ, Total Recall, and peripherally in the film Abre los ojos (remade into Vanilla Sky).

The ideas behind The Matrix have been explored in old philosophical texts on epistemology, such as Plato's allegory of the cave and Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy. In a well-known Solipsistic thought experiment, the subject is a brain in a vat of liquid; in the Matrix, Neo is a body in a vat.

Postmodern thought plays a tangible role in the movie. In an opening scene, Neo hides a diskette in a false copy of Jean Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation, a work that describes modern life as a hyperreal experience of simulation based upon simulation. Interpretations of The Matrix often reference Baudrillard's philosophy to demonstrate that the movie is an allegory for contemporary experience in a heavily commercialized, media-driven society.

It should be noted that the reason given in the movie for computers enslaving humans makes no sense from a thermodynamic point of view. The chemical energy required to keep a human being alive is vastly greater than the bio-electric energy that could be harvested; human beings, like all living beings, are not energy sources, they are energy transformers. It would be vastly more effective to burn the organic matter than to power a conventional electrical generator. On Earth, there are, ultimately, only three energy sources: the light coming in from the Sun (stated as blocked out in the movie), the heat coming out of the Earth's mass, and the heat coming from the dissipation of the tidal movements of the oceans and crust. The first is generated by nuclear fusion in the Sun's core, the second by the radio-active decay of some constituents of the Earth's mass, and the third comes from the Earth's kinetic energy of rotation. Everything else can be traced back to one of those three.

Some people have pointed out the possibility that the laws of thermodynamics could work differently in real life than in the matrix to make it harder for people to suspect they are being used as a power source, or that the machines have technology not yet imaginable by humans, and thus the known laws of science are impossible to apply in this situation. On the other hand, Morpheus speaks of physical laws like gravity applying both to the real world and within its simulation, and the scenes we see within the real world are certainly consistent with basic physics (it is difficult to imagine how the "real world" would look if entropy were the machines' invention, for example). Critical fans have speculated that the machines were actually using the humans' brains as components in a massively parallel neural network computer, and that the characters were simply mistaken about the purpose. This error would then be reflected in the "Zion Historical Archive" of "The Second Renaissance". In fact, this was very close to the original explanation. Because they felt that non-technical viewers would have trouble understanding it, the writers condescendingly abandoned it in favor of the "human power source" explanation. The neural-network explanation, however, is presented in the film's novelization and the short story "Goliath", featured on the Matrix website and in the first volume of The Matrix Comics.

Url źródłowy:


to release

wydawać, wypuszczać

to star

grać główną rolę


czujący, odczuwający

to resist

sprzeciwiać się, stawiać opór








posłuszny, uległy


podczas gdy


ujarzmienie, niewola


władza, panowanie





to bend the rules

naginać zasady

to pursue

śledzić, prześladować

to punch

przebijać, wybijać

to dodge

unikać, omijać


pocisk, kula

martial arts
martial art

sztuka samoobrony enabling

to enable

umożliwiać, pozwalać




później, dalej

killed off
to kill off


to betray


phone booth

budka telefoniczna

to engage

angażować się



to flee

uciekać, ratować się ucieczką


porwany, uprowadzony

slumps over
to slump over

opadać, spadać




proroctwo, przepowiednia

to foretell

przepowiadać, przewidywać


na pozór, z wyglądu

to awaken

rozbudzać, przebudzać się


zmyślony, sfabrykowany

to transcend

przewyższać, przekraczać, górować






wyobrażenie, pragnienie, mniemanie


niewiara, niedowierzanie


bez wysiłku, z łatwością


wskutek tego, w wyniku tego

to greet

witać, powitać

Postaw nam wirtualną kawę