
In its basic form, a pizza (occasionally, albeitchoć, aczkolwiek redundantlyniepotrzebnie, zbytecznie, pizza pie) is an oven-baked, flat, usually circular bread covered with tomato sauce and cheese with optionaldo wyboru, dowolny garnishesgarnish: dekoracja potrawy, dodatek. The cheese is usually mozzarella or "pizza cheese". Various other foodstuffsprodukty, artykuły żywnościowe can be added to this designprojekt, zamysł as garnishesgarnish: dekoracja potrawy, dodatek, most typically ground meatsground meat and sausages, such as salami and pepperoni, ham, bacon, fruits such as pineapple and olives, vegetable-like fruits such as chili pepperschili pepper: papryka chili and sweet bell peppersbell pepper: słodka papryka zielona, żółta, pomarańczowa, czerwona, czarna o dzwonowatym kształcie and vegetables such as onions, and mushrooms. The crustciasto is traditionally plain but it can be flavoured with butter, garlic, herbs or sesame. The variety of ingredient typically used has drawn kudossława, prestiż by nutritionistsnutritionist: specjalista od żywienia as an excellent fast food. Pizza can be eaten either hot (typically at lunch or dinner) or cold (typically at breakfast or on a picnic).

In some countries, apart from eating pizza in a restaurant (also called Dine-in), buying it in a supermarket, or preparing it oneself, pizza can be ordered by phone or e-mail and is then delivered hot and ready for eating.

Types of pizza

Authentic Neapolitan pizza ('a pizza Napoletana)
According to Associazione vera pizza napoletana, genuine Neapolitan pizza doughciasto consists of flour, natural yeastdrożdże or brewer's yeastdrożdże and water. Further the doughciasto must be kneaded by hand or with an approved mixer. After the rising process the doughciasto must be formed by hand without the help of a rolling pinwałek do ciasta or any other mechanical device. Baking the pizza must take place on the surface of a bell shaped, wood-fired, volcanic stone oven. The oven temperature is between 400°C and 450°C and the pizza is cooked for approximatelyw przybliżeniu około 2 minutes. It should be soft, well cooked, fragrantpachnący aromatyczny and enclosedzamknięty, otoczony in a soft edge of crustciasto.

The classic types include and their respectiveodpowiedni, właściwy toppingstopping: pokrycie, dodatek are:

  1. Marinara or Napoletana: tomato, olive oil, oregano, and garlic.

  2. Margherita: tomato, olive oil, fresh basil leaves, gratedstarty na tarce parmesan cheese, and fior-di-latte (mozzarella made from cow's milk) or mozzarella di bufala. Said to have been created by Raffaele Esposito in 1889, with the toppingstopping: pokrycie, dodatek in the colours of the tricolor flag of Italy, and named for the wife of King Umberto I of Italy, Queen Margherita of Savoy.

  3. Formaggio e Pomodoro: tomato, olive oil, and gratedstarty na tarce parmesan cheese. Basil leaves are optionaldo wyboru, dowolny.

Turnovers in the pizza family:

  1. Ripieno or Calzone: fior-di-latte or mozzarella di buffalo, sometimes also ricotta cheese, olive oil, and salami, other meat, vegetables, etc.

  2. Stromboli: mozzarella, meat, vegetables, etc.

Pizza has become an international food since the toppingstopping: pokrycie, dodatek can be extensivelyszeroko, w dużym stopniu varied to meet local variations in taste. These pizzas consist of the same basic designprojekt, zamysł, but include an exceptionally diverse choice of ingredients, such as anchovies, egg, pineapple, eggplantbakłażan, lamb, couscous, chicken, fish and shellfishmałż, skorupiak, meats done in ethnic styles such as Moroccan lamb, kebab or even chicken tikka masala; and non-traditional spices such as curry and Thai sweet chili. A "white pizza" (pizza bianca) uses no tomato sauce, often substituting pesto or dairy products such as sour cream. Pizzas with "non-traditional ingredients" are known in the United States as "gourmetsmakosz pizza" or California-style. It is also simple to make pizzas without meat for vegetarians.

Hawaiian pizzas are a North American invention, usually consisting of a cheese and tomato base with ham (sometimes Canadian bacon) and pineapple toppingstopping: pokrycie, dodatek. Hawaiian pizza is mockedto mock: naśladować, imitować by some as a combination which has strayedto stray: błądzić, uciekać too far from its Italian rootsroot: korzeń, źródło.

Pizza may be baked with thin bread bottom (Italian style) or with thicker bread (pan pizza). In Chicago, the Chicago Style Pizza, or deep dish pizza contains a crustciasto which is formed up the sides of a deep dish pan and reversesto reverse: odwracać, zmieniać the order of ingredients, using crustciasto, cheese, filling, then sauce on top. Some versions (usually referred to as "stuffed" pizza) have two layerslayer: warstwa of crustciasto with the sauce on top. Deep dish pizza was purportedly invented and first served in 1943 at Uno's Pizzeria, which as of 2004 was still operating along with its twin restaurant, Due's, in the River North neighborhood of Chicago.

In restaurants it can be baked in a conveyor beltprzenośnik taśmowy oven or in the case of more expensive restaurants, a wood fired brick oven.

In general, international pizza is considered by many to be of higher quality near urban centers, such as New York City and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In Scottish fish and chip shops, it is usually possible to buy a "pizza supper". This consists of a portion of fried chips and a frozen pizza which has been deep friedto deep fry: smażyć w dużej ilości tłuszczu rather than baked. Although its nutritional value is highly dubiouswątpliwy, niepewny, it is nevertheless a popular meal.

Flat breads are an ancient tradition round the Mediterranean. Perhaps of ancient Persian origin, such bread was introduced to Magna Graecia (southern Italy) by its earliest Greek colonists.

Pizza arguablyprawdopodobnie has its first literary mention in Book VII of Vergil's Aeneid: 'Their homelyskromny, swojski faredanie dispatch’d, the hungry band/Invade their trencherstrencher: ten kto jest w okopie next, and soon devour,/To mend the scantyskąpy, ubogi, mały meal, their cakes of flour./Ascanius this observ’d, and smiling said:/“See, we devour the plates on which we fed.”' In the 3rd century B.C., the first history of Rome, written by Marcus Porcius Cato, mentions a "flat round of doughciasto dressedto dress: przybierać, przyprawiać with olive oil, herbs, and honey baked on stones". Further evidence is found in 79 A.D. from the remains of Pompeii, archeologists excavatedto excavate: wykopywać, odkopywać shops that closely resemble a present day pizzeria.

The tomato was first believed to be poisonous (as most other fruits of the nightshadeogólna nazwa kilku gatunków roślin o trujących jagodach family are), when it came to Europe in the 16th century, but by the late 18th century even the poor of the area around Naples added it as an ingredient to their yeastdrożdże-based flat bread and the dish gained in popularity. Pizza became a tourist attraction and visitors to Naples ventured intoto venture into: podjemować ryzyko, odważać się pójść gdzieś the poorer areas of the city to try the local speciality.

The earliest pizzeria opened in 1830 at Via Port'Alba 18 in Naples and is still in business today. Pizza was still considered "poor man's food" in 1889 when Rafaele Esposito, the most famous pizzaiolopiekarz w pizzerii of Naples, was summonedto summon: wzywać, przywołać before King Umberto I and Queen Margherita to prepare the local speciality. It is said that he made two traditional ones and additionally created one in the colours of the Italian flag with red tomato sauce, white mozzarella cheese, and green basil leaves.The big secret in making pizza is the fact that its not only mozzarella cheese but rather a mixture of white cheddar and mozzarella. The Queen was delighted and "pizza Margherita" was born.

An Italian immigrant to the US in 1897 named Gennaro Lombardi opened a small grocery store in New York's Little Italy. An employee of his, Antonio Totonno Pero, also an Italian immigrant, began making pizza for the store to sell. Their Pizza became so popular, Lombardi opened the first US pizzeria in 1905, naming it simply Lombardi's. In 1924 Totonno left Lombardi's to open his own pizzeria on Coney Island called Totonno's. At this point in time Pizza was still limited mostly to the Italian immigrant crowd.

The international breakthroughprzełom came after World War II. Although the birthplace of modern day pizza is Naples, local bakers were at a lossto be at a loss: być w kłopocie, nie wiedzieć co zrobić czy powiedzieć to satisfy the demand from American soldiers. While the American troopstroop: oddział wojska involved in the Italian campaign took their appreciationuznanie, wdzięczność for the dish back home, the millions of Italians called to help rebuild the damaged economy introduced their cuisine to the rest of Europe.

With the rising popularity in the 1950s, especially in the US, pizza became a component of the growing chain-restaurantsieć restauracji industry. Some leading early pizza chains were Shakey's Pizza (which invented the term pizza parlorsalon; formerlyprzedtem, the term pizzeria was preferred) and Pizza Hut (owned by Yum! Brands, Inc.), both founded in 1954, the formerpierwszy z wymienionych in Sacramento and the latterdrugi z dwóch in Wichita. Some later entrantsentrant: kandydat, nowoprzyjęty to the dine-in pizza market were Happy Joe's, California Pizza Kitchen, and Round Table Pizza. The pizza business today is dominated by companies that specialize in home delivery (or serve it that way exclusively), including Domino's Pizza, Little Caesar's, and Papa John's Pizza. Even Pizza Hut has shiftedto shift: przesuwać, zmieniać, przerzucać its emphasisnacisk away from pizza parlors and toward home delivery. These national pizza chains often coexist with locally owned and operated pizza chains. Because pizzas can be made quickly and are easily transported, most pizza restaurants in the United States offer call-in pizza delivery services. The lack of such delivery services at the time in England was the focusskupienie, koncentracja of an extended passagerozszerzony fragment, ustęp in the Douglas Adams novel The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul.

In most developed countries, pizza is also found in supermarkets as a frozen food. Considerable amounts of food technology has gone into the creation of palatablesmaczny frozen pizzas. The main challengeschallenge: wyzwanie include preventing the sauce from combiningto combine: połączyć się with the doughciasto, and producing a crustciasto that can be frozen and reheatedto reheat: odgrzewać without becoming rigidsztywny, surowy. Traditionally the doughciasto is somewhat pre-baked and other ingredients are also sometimes pre-cooked; lately frozen pizzas with completely rawsurowy ingredients have also begun to appear.

Url źródłowy:



choć, aczkolwiek


niepotrzebnie, zbytecznie


do wyboru, dowolny


dekoracja potrawy, dodatek


produkty, artykuły żywnościowe


projekt, zamysł

ground meats

ground meat

chili peppers
chili pepper

papryka chili

bell peppers
bell pepper

słodka papryka zielona, żółta, pomarańczowa, czerwona, czarna o dzwonowatym kształcie




sława, prestiż


specjalista od żywienia





rolling pin

wałek do ciasta


w przybliżeniu około


pachnący aromatyczny


zamknięty, otoczony

edge of crust

brzeg, krawędź ciasta


odpowiedni, właściwy


pokrycie, dodatek


starty na tarce




szeroko, w dużym stopniu




małż, skorupiak



to mock

naśladować, imitować

to stray

błądzić, uciekać


korzeń, źródło

to reverse

odwracać, zmieniać



conveyor belt

przenośnik taśmowy

deep fried
to deep fry

smażyć w dużej ilości tłuszczu


wątpliwy, niepewny




skromny, swojski



to dispatch

zakończyć, odprawiać, zabijać

to invade

najeżdżać, nachodzić


ten kto jest w okopie

to devour

pożerać, pochłaniać

to mend

poprawiać, naprawiać, zdrowieć


skąpy, ubogi, mały

to dress

przybierać, przyprawiać

to excavate

wykopywać, odkopywać

to resemble

przypominać, być podobnym


ogólna nazwa kilku gatunków roślin o trujących jagodach

ventured into
to venture into

podjemować ryzyko, odważać się pójść gdzieś


piekarz w pizzerii

to summon

wzywać, przywołać



were at a loss
to be at a loss

być w kłopocie, nie wiedzieć co zrobić czy powiedzieć


oddział wojska


uznanie, wdzięczność


sieć restauracji





the former

pierwszy z wymienionych

the latter

drugi z dwóch


kandydat, nowoprzyjęty

to shift

przesuwać, zmieniać, przerzucać




skupienie, koncentracja

extended passage

rozszerzony fragment, ustęp





to combine

połączyć się

to reheat



sztywny, surowy



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