Unidentified flying object (UFO)

UFO or unidentified flying object, in the original, literaldosłowny sense means any airbornepowietrzny, latający object whose nature is not readilyłatwo known. Nowadays, the term is generally used to mean those cases that are believed by some to be the spaceshipsspaceship: statek kosmiczny of extraterrestrialpozaziemski aliens.

The modern interest in UFOs started with a claimed sighting by Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947, near Mount Rainier, Washington. Though the UFOs he saw were not saucer-shapedo kształcie spodka, he described their movements as being similar to that of a saucer skipping overto skip over: przelatywać, omijać water, hence the origin of the term flying saucer. Arnold's claims received significant mainstreamgłówny nurt attention.

Since the mid-twentieth century, UFOs have been the subject of thousands of books, motion pictures, songs, documentaries and other media, and of numerous hoaxeshoax: bujda, głupi kawał. UFO topics were amongst the most popular on early computer Bulletin board systems, and millions of people have some degree of interest in the subject.

There have been studies of UFOs and UFO enthusiast subcultures from a folklore or anthropological perspective.

A 1996 Gallup poll shows that 71% of the U.S. population believes that the Government is covering up some information about UFOs.

Typical reported characteristics of UFOs

  1. Saucer, toy-top, or disk-shaped craftpojazd without visible or audiblesłyszalny propulsionnapęd. (day and night)

  2. Rapidly-moving lights or lights with apparent ability to rapidly change direction — the earliest mention of their motion was given as "saucers skipping on water"

  3. Large triangulartrójkątny craftpojazd or triangulartrójkątny light pattern

  4. Cigar-shaped craftpojazd with lighted windows (Meteor trails sometimes appear this way)

The number of different shapes, sizes and configurations of claimed UFOs has been large, with detailed descriptions of chevronschevron: znak w kształcie litery V, equilateral trianglesequilateral triangle: trójkąt równoboczny, spheressphere: kula, domesdome: kopuła, diamondskaro, shapeless black masses, eggs and cylinders being prevalentprzeważający, powszechny. Skepticsskeptoc: sceptyk argue this diversity of shapes, size and configurations points to a socio-psychological explanation. Professed experiencers and believers reply that the volume of highly detailed sightings reported by witnesses from commercial airline pilots to United States presidents possesses strong consistencykonsekwencja and cannot be explained away as mundaneprzyziemny, zwykły phenomena (weather balloons, aircraftsamolot, Venus), arguing for the non-conventional interpretation.

Origins of the term "flying saucer"
The nine objects Kenneth Arnold said he saw were not saucer-shapedo kształcie spodka. Drawings showed something rather boomerang or crescentpółksiężyc shaped: more resembling a flying wing style aircraftsamolot. However, he described their movement as a kind of skipping, like a saucer skimmedto skim: przesuwać się tuż ponad powierzchnią over water. Press reports picked up the "like a saucer" phrase, and reported it as a "flying saucer".

George Adamski contributed to the popularity of this term with his books, such as Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953), despite that book having been based on fiction but presented as fact.


Ufology is the study of UFO reports and evidence.

The general opinion of the mainstreamgłówny nurt scientific community is that all UFO sightings are just misidentification of natural phenomena or hoaxeshoax: bujda, głupi kawał. Some feel that the subject is a waste of time, due toz powodu a number of factors, such as unreliable witnesses.

It's been suggested, however, that rather few academics have actually researched the topic themselves or become personally familiar with the literature. Some professionals and academics have argued that this constitutesto constitute: stanowić, tworzyć unacceptable biasuprzedzenie, stronniczość, and that while current evidence may be lacking, new evidence should be evaluated objectively as it arisesto arise: pokazywać się, pojawiać. Others, including both amateur and professional researchers, continue research and consider the extraterrestrialpozaziemski hypothesis for UFOs a possibility. Some in the scientific community feel there is enough evidence to warrant further investigation efforts, comparing it to the period in the history of Meteorite research when there was only witness testimonyświadectwo, zeznanie available.

UFOs have been subject to many studies over the years, with a wide range of scopezakres and scientific rigor. Perhaps the best known study was Project Blue Book, conducted by the United States Air Force.

Evidence and Explanations
Some feel that UFO study is still a worthwhile topic because of open questions, especially due toz powodu occasional reports of UFOs from professional or military astronomers or pilots: Individuals whose careers and indeed, often their very lives rely on their ability to recognize and assess aircraftsamolot, weather conditions, distances and other factors vitalistotny to flight. Some Ufologists argue such cases are more difficult to dismissodrzucać as misidentification of mundaneprzyziemny, zwykły objects. Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell are two NASA astronauts who've expressed an interest in UFOs, and both have decriedto decry: potępiać what they consider the biasedtendencyjny, stronniczy, uprzedzony attitudes of some professionals; Cooper claims to have seen UFO's in the early 1950's.

Although thousands of UFO sightings have been widely publicised in news columns over the years, the fact that many have subsequentlypóźniej been explained--or at least that proposed explanations have been offered by qualified persons--as natural phenomena or hoaxeshoax: bujda, głupi kawał has largely been ignored by the media.

On the other hand, many still inexplicableniewytłumaczalny, nie do wyjaśnienia cases are either ignored by the media or, if a purportedzapewniający, przekonujący, utrzymujący, twierdzący że jakoby sceptic offers an explanation that fails to fit the facts (e.g. Zig-zagging formation of lights and confirmed by radar are blamed on misinterpreting 'Jupiter'), it is often taken up by the press and the case is closed, as far as the media is concerned.

There are UFO websites listing claimed sightings, but far fewer listing proposed or confirmed explanations for most of those sightings. The fact that on investigation most UFOs actually become IFOs -- Identified Flying Objects -- seems less newsworthy. While a possible alien visitor is sensational, a mundaneprzyziemny, zwykły explanation is a non-event. However, even if the overwhelmingprzygniatający, przytłaczający majority of all UFOs become IFOs, one well documented case such as the Chile 1997 radar/visual case confirmed by the government in Santiago is sufficient to negate the 'null hypothesis'.

It is sometimes said that "extraordinaryniezwykły, nadzwyczajny claims require extraordinaryniezwykły, nadzwyczajny evidence", but many pro-research groups only claim that the topic deserves further investigation, not that UFOs are necessarily alien craftpojazd. The thresholdpróg, przedsionek of evidence for further investigation is lower than that for a conclusion about the nature of UFOs.

Skepticsskeptoc: sceptyk say there are indeed genuine sightings of strange flying objects which are usually logically explained, that no physical evidence of an alien spacecraft has ever been produced, and that many claims have been disproven as fraudulentfałszywy. They also point out that the burden of proofciężar udowodnienia lies with whomever makes a claim, and that it is not up to someone else to disprove each and every piece of evidence believers come up with.

Supporters and conspiracy theorists argue that the subject is prejudiced by ridiculedrwina, kpina, wyśmiewanie się and stigmapiętno, znamię, that an extremely large body of compelling evidence as yet disproved or effectively counteredto counter: przeciwdziałać, sprzeciwiać się also exists, including photography, motion video, and multiple independentlyniezależnie corroboratedto corroborate: potwierdzać, popierać sworn affidavitssworn affidavit: pisemna deklaracja pod przysięgą.

Evidence and Supression
Some also contend regardingjeśli chodzi o, co do, odnośnie physical evidence that it exists abundantlywyraźnie, jasno, licznie but is swiftlyprędko, szybko and sometimes clumsilyniezgrabnie suppressedto suppress: tłumić, zatajać by governmental entitiesentity: jednostka, not always uniform, with a strong agenda to insulate izolować, chronića population they regard as psychologically not yet prepared for the social, theological, and security implicationsnastepstwa, konsekwencje of such a reality.

The study of UFO claims over the years has led to valuable discoveries about atmospheric phenomena and psychology. In psychology, the study of UFO sightings has revealed information on misinterpretation, perceptual illusions, hallucination and fantasy-prone personality which may explain why some people are willing to believe hoaxers such as George Adamski. Many have questioned the reliability of hypnosis in UFO abductionporwanie cases.

Paranormal Crossover
The field of UFOs does not necessarily overlap the paranormalzjawiska paranormalne, although in practice it often does. The UFO phenomenon need not have a paranormal explanation, though some who believe in UFOs also have a fascination with the paranormalzjawiska paranormalne.


UFOs are sometimes claimed to be part of an elaborate UFO conspiracy theory in which the government is said to be intentionally covering up the existence of aliens, or sometimes collaborating with them.

There is also the speculation that UFO phenomena are tests of experimental aircraftsamolot or advanced weapons. In this case UFO's are viewed as failures to retainzatrzymywać, zachowywać secrecy, or deliberaterozmyślny, przemyślany, zamierzony attempts at disinformation: to deridewysmiewać, drwić the phenomena so that it can be pursuedto pursue: prześladować unhinderedniepohamowany, bez przeszkód. This theory may or may not feed back into the previous one, where current advanced military technology is considered to be adapted alien technology. See also: skunk works and Area 51. This also feeds into the opinion that all or most human technology and culture is based on extraterrestrialpozaziemski contact.

Mystical and religious aspects of UFOs

Much mysticism has arisento arise: pojawiać się around UFOs. Several religions have UFOs as a component of their mythology:

  1. Unarius Academy of Science: Founded in 1954 by Ernest Norman and Ruth Marian.

  2. Aetherians: A group founded by a British mystic who claimed to communicate with the Cosmic Master Aetherius

  3. Order of the Solar Temple: In order to move to somewhere near the star Sirius many believers committed suicide in Europe and Canada in the 90's

  4. Heaven's Gate: Believers committed suicide in Caifornia in 1997, believing they would be carried off in Comet Hale-Bopp.

  5. Raelians, who claimed they would clone their leader so he could live forever.

  6. Scientology: The higher-level beliefs of Scientology include the story of Xenu, a galactic ruler, who brought billions of people to Earth and killed them.

Some have common beliefs around UFOs mixed with Christian elements:

  1. Heaven: Lights that come from the sky.

  2. Faith: you have no evidence what UFOs are. You can only see by yourself or believe others.

  3. Saviour: Superior beings coming out of those lights.

  4. Apocalypse and redemptionzbawienie, odkupienie: Superior beings coming from the heavens to at the same time destroy civilization as we know and save those few who accept them by carrying those believers in their spacecraft.

  5. Voices: Many claim to hear voices that might be from spirits, angels or aliens from a distant galaxy.

Erich von Däniken goes the other way round and states that many old religions were influenced by UFOs. He claims to have found evidence in old Aztec, Inca and ancient Egypt templestemple: świątynia that phenomena identified as signs of Gods were the same as actual unidentified flying objects. In his book Were The Gods Astronauts, von Däniken goes farther and states that those objects were in fact alien visitors who landed on Earth a thousand years ago and influenced deeply the birth of civilizations.

Terence McKenna, in contrast, believed that UFOs are manifestations of the human oversoul, or collectivewspólny spirit. He thought they appeared to individuals and groups in order to exert psychological influence over the course of history. He conjecturedto conjecture: przypuszczać, domniemywać that in the year 2012 there might be a global UFO 'visitation'; a great manifestation that would convince humanity to adopt a UFO religion with preceptsprecept: przykazanie of universal love and ecologically-sound culture.

Url źródłowy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified_Flying_Object





powietrzny, latający




statek kosmiczny




o kształcie spodka

skipping over
to skip over

przelatywać, omijać


główny nurt


bujda, głupi kawał










znak w kształcie litery V

equilateral triangles
equilateral triangle

trójkąt równoboczny








przeważający, powszechny






przyziemny, zwykły





to skim

przesuwać się tuż ponad powierzchnią

to constitute

stanowić, tworzyć


uprzedzenie, stronniczość

to arise

pokazywać się, pojawiać


świadectwo, zeznanie



due to

z powodu

to assess




to dismiss


to decry



tendencyjny, stronniczy, uprzedzony




niewytłumaczalny, nie do wyjaśnienia


zapewniający, przekonujący, utrzymujący, twierdzący że jakoby


przygniatający, przytłaczający


niezwykły, nadzwyczajny


próg, przedsionek



burden of proof

ciężar udowodnienia


drwina, kpina, wyśmiewanie się


piętno, znamię

to counter

przeciwdziałać, sprzeciwiać się



to corroborate

potwierdzać, popierać

sworn affidavits
sworn affidavit

pisemna deklaracja pod przysięgą

to contend

twierdzić, utrzymywać


jeśli chodzi o, co do, odnośnie


wyraźnie, jasno, licznie


prędko, szybko



to suppress

tłumić, zatajać



to insulate

izolować, chronić


nastepstwa, konsekwencje



to overlap

nakładać się na siebie, zachodzić na siebie

the paranormal

zjawiska paranormalne

to retain

zatrzymywać, zachowywać


rozmyślny, przemyślany, zamierzony

to deride

wysmiewać, drwić

to pursue



niepohamowany, bez przeszkód

to arise

pojawiać się


wiara, ufność


zbawca, zbawiciel


zbawienie, odkupienie





to conjecture

przypuszczać, domniemywać



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