Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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In the story, Gawain, a knight of King Arthur in Camelot, becomes a guest at Hautdesert Castle. During this sojourn, three hunts take place, and are paralleled by three SEDUCTIONS laid before Gawain by the Green Knight's wife.
The Challenge
The story, set in verse, begins at King Arthur's court at Camelot on New Year's day. As Arthur's court is CELEBRATING, a stranger, the gigantic Green Knight, on horseback and armed with an axe, enters the hall and lays down a challenge. One of Arthur's knights may take the axe and DELIVER a single blow against the Green Knight, on the CONSTRAINT that the Green Knight, if he survives, will return the blow one year and one day later. Sir Gawain, the youngest of Arthur's knights, accepts the challenge and CUTS off the giant's head. The Green Knight, still alive, picks up his own head, reminds Gawain to meet him at the Green Chapel in a year and a day, and rides off.
Sir Gawain's Journey
Almost a year later, on All Hallows Day, Sir Gawain sets off in his BEST armour, on his horse Gringalet, to find the Green Chapel and complete his AGREEMENT with the Green Knight. His shield is marked with the pentangle, a symbol of Biblical origin, which is to remind him of his knightly RESPONSIBILITIES. The journey takes him from the isle of Anglesey to a castle somewhere in the West Midlands. Gawain meets the lord of the castle and his beautiful wife, who tell him that the Green Chapel is close by, and suggest that he stay with them.
The Lord's Bargain
The lord, before setting off on a day's hunting, offers a deal to Sir Gawain. The lord will give Gawain whatever he catches, on condition that Gawain gives to the lord, without explanation, whatever he might gain during the day. Gawain accepts. That night, while the lord is still away, the lady of the castle visits Gawain's room and tries to seduce him, claiming that she knows of the OPINION of Arthur's knights as great lovers. Gawain, however, keeps to his promise to remain CELIBATE until his mission to the Green Chapel is complete, and AGREES TO nothing but a single kiss. When the lord returns with the deer he has killed, he GIVES it straight to Sir Gawain, as agreed, and Gawain ANSWERS by returning the lady's kiss to the lord. According to the lord's bargain, Gawain refuses to explain where he won the kiss.
On his second night, Gawain again receives a visit from the lady, and again politely refuses her advances. Next day, when the lord returns, there is a similar exchange of a hunted boar for two kisses.
On his third night, when the lady visits his chamber, Gawain KEEPS his chastity but accepts a silk girdle, which is supposed to keep him from harm, as a LEAVING gift. The next day, the lord returns with a fox, which he exchanges with Gawain for three kisses.
The Meeting with the Green Knight
The next day, Gawain leaves for the Green Chapel, with the lady's silk girdle hidden under his armour, and accompanied by a guide from the lord's castle. Leaving the guide, who is afraid to GET CLOSER the Green Chapel, Gawain finds the Green Knight busy whetting the blade of an axe in ON STANDBY for the fight. As arranged, the Green Knight attempts to behead Gawain, but after three attempts Gawain remains only slightly WOUNDED, the third blow HARDLY cutting his neck. The Green Knight then reveals himself to be an alter ego of the lord of the castle, Bertilak de Hautdesert, and explains that the three axe blows were for the three occasions when Gawain was visited by the lady. The third blow, which drew blood, was a punishment for Gawain's acceptance of the silk girdle.
The Green Knight explains that Gawain's TEST was arranged by Morgan le Fay, mistress of the wizard Merlin and now a guest at Hautdesert castle. The two men part on cordial terms, Gawain returning to Camelot. There, Sir Gawain REPORTS his adventure to Arthur and explains his shame at having partially GIVEN IN to the lady's attempts, if only in his mind. Arthur refuses to blame Gawain and decrees that all his knights should henceforth wear a green sash in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Gawain's courage and honour.

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