Na lotnisku (C1–C2) – ćwiczenia na słownictwo angielskie

ćwiczenie nr
Twoja historia


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowa do uzupełnienia zdań.

  1. Finish your coffee! It's time we were   the plane.

  2. I'd rather fly   than have to change en route.

  3. How much does it cost to use a   at the airport?

  4. The staff in the   must be under quite a lot of stress.

  5. Don't worry! I've checked the   and all the wheels are there!

  1. This flight is   Athens.

  2. Your luggage will soon be here on the  .

  3. We have to wait until they bring the   to the plane.

  4. You can buy goods without paying tax in the  .

  5. I thought modern planes didn't have  .

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Na lotnisku:
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
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jetway to tzw. rękaw lotniczy, który dostawiają, żeby pasażerowie mogli nim przejść z terminala do samolotu

what is jetway in this case below?
We have to wait until they bring the jetway to the plane.

Niestety, kłopoty ze sprawdzeniem

@RAFAELLO88 to dokładnie to samo

propellers a nie propellors