Ćwiczenia leksykalne z języka angielskiego – cechy charakteru

ćwiczenie nr
Twoja historia


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowo do uzupełnienia zdania.

  1. There's more to being   than buying expensive clothes.

  2. My boss was very   when I told her about my problems.

  3. How can you ever get anything done when you're so  ?

  4. Your parents seem to be quite   with their life together.

  5. The doctor says she's   about my blood pressure.

  1. Everyone in our sales team is well  . We're doing well.

  2. It was   to hear that you're going to university.

  3. What makes you so   of the future? In my opinion, there's nothing to worry about.

  4. I'm a little   of this strange activity in my online account.

  5. Michael was   when I demanded he pay me back my money immediately.

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