Słownictwo angielskie ćwiczenia – poziom B1


Type in words from the list to complete the sentences.

Wybierz słowa z listy do uzupełnienia zdań.

lista słów do wyboru:
delivery locker developments majority handwriting password leisure lonely priority highlight
  1. It's difficult to read your . Please do something about it.

  2. The of the concert was the guitar solo at the end.

  3. What do you like doing in your time? I go fishing.

  4. I left my wallet in my at the gym. I'll have to go back.

  5. I hope I won't be when I'm old.

  1. The of the people I know don't smoke.

  2. I've forgotten my email again!

  3. This problem needs to be given . Can you deal with it now?

  4. Why was the last so late? Go and find out, please.

  5. What are the recent in banking, if any?

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Słownictwo angielskie - poziom średniozaawansowany B1:
Type in words from the list to complete the sentences.
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