Present Continuous budowa – ćwiczenia

ćwiczenie nr
Twoja historia


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Pay attention to word order.

Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika. Zwróć uwagę na szyk wyrazów.

  1. You you/follow/not my instructions.

  2. Stephen well/not/doing in his exams.

  3. Why not/enjoying/Paul and Pamela themselves?

  4. Belinda/have a shower? I need to use the bathroom.

  5. you/invite any of your old school friends to your party?

  1. Mr Grimes teach/not adults these days.

  2. When Bill and Sandy/give their first concert?

  3. What you/wear to the disco tonight?

  4. Why you/wash your socks by hand when you have a washing machine?

  5. We not/take a bus to Berlin because it's too slow.

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Pay attention to word order.
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super :)

Thank you,

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He isn't doing well in his exams.