czas past simple i present perfect ? Pomocy ! zdania

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Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

1.Susan......(not play) squash before the .... (learn) how to play tennis.
2.They.... (not, take) many pictures of their children since they...... (be) little kids.
3.He .....(ski) down the hill when suddenly he ..... (crash) into another skier.
...... you.....(ever, eat) octopus?
4.Peter.... (play)computer games hours before he .....(go) to school.
...... she ...... (find) her purse yet?
5.John ..... (leave) his mobil on the bus.
6.This female gorrila .......... (give) birth to 2 offspring before she ..... (arrive) at our zoo.
7.The Jackson ....... (live) in that house for 15 years before they finnaly ..... (move) to Dover last year.
8.We...(have) lunch when our neighbour....(come) and....(tell) us that we.....(flood) hid bathroom.
9.I.....(spend) a few days in Madrit. It's a wonderful.
10............she........ (finish) yet?

Bardzo bym prosiła o pomoc w wypełnieniu tych luk odpowiednim czasem...
mamy tu taką zasadę, że daje się prace domowe do sprawdzenia. Zrób sama, a ktoś poprawi i np. wyjaśni błędy.
Jeżeli ktoś po prostu odrobi za Cebie zadanie, to czego się nauczysz? tego, że nie musisz się uczyć angielskiego, bo tutaj odrabiają prace domowe.
ok zaraz to zrobię tak jak ja myśle, tylko bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie.
1.Susan hasn't played (not play) squash before the learned (learn) how to play tennis.
2.They haven't taken (not, take) many pictures of their children since they were (be) little kids.
3.He was skiing (ski) down the hill when suddenly he crashed (crash) into another skier.
Have you ever ate (ever, eat) octopus?
4.Peter had played (play)computer games hours before he gone (go) to school.
Have she found (find) her purse yet?
5.John has left (leave) his mobil on the bus.
6.This female gorrila had given (give) birth to 2 offspring before she arrived (arrive) at our zoo.
7.The Jackson had lived (live) in that house for 15 years before they finnaly moved (move) to Dover last year.
8.We had (have) lunch when our neighbour were coming (come) and telling (tell) us that we flooding (flood) hid bathroom.
9.I was spending (spend) a few days in Madrit. It's a wonderful.
10 Hasn't she finished (finish) yet?
Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie mi tego...
1.Susan hasn't played (not play) squash before the learned (learn) how to play tennis. - PIERWSZA CZESC ZDANIA JEST WCZESNIEJSZA NIZ DRUGA. DRUGA JEST W SIMPLE PAST - TO PERWSZA MUSI BYC W PAST PERFECT
2.They haven't taken (not, take) many pictures of their children since they were (be) little kids. OK
3.He was skiing (ski) down the hill when suddenly he crashed (crash) into another skier.OK
Have you ever ate (ever, eat) octopus? TRZECIA FORMA OD 'EAT'?
4.Peter had played (play)computer games hours before he gone (go) to school. DRUGA FORMA OD 'GO'?
Have she found (find) her purse yet? KONCOWKA 'HAVE'?
5.John has left (leave) his mobilE on the bus. - SIMPLE PAST, BO TERAZ JUZ NIE JEST W AUTOBUSIE
6.This female gorrila had given (give) birth to 2 offspring before she arrived (arrive) at our zoo. OK - W ZDANIU NR 1 MASZ TAKA SAMA SYTUACJE, PRAWDA?
7.The Jackson had lived (live) in that house for 15 years before they fiNaLLy moved (move) to Dover last year. OK
8.We had (have) lunch when our neighbour were coming (come) and telling (tell) us that we flooding (flood) hid bathroom. NIE, BYLISMY W TRAKCIE JEDZENIA, KIEDY SIASIAD PRZYSZEDL I POWIEDZIAL 'ZALALSCIE MI LAZIENKE'
9.I was spending (spend) a few days in Madrit. It's a wonderful. SIMPLE PAST
10 Hasn't she finished (finish) yet? OK

Nie było źle, kilka głupich błędów, niewiele powaznych. Widzisz, jak sie oplaca samemu rozwiazac zadanie?
Czyli powinno być tak?
1.Susan hadn't played (not play) squash before the learned (learn) how to play tennis.
Have you ever eaten (ever, eat) octopus?
Peter had played (play)computer games hours before he went (go) to school.
Has she found (find) her purse yet?
John left (leave) his mobile on the bus.
We were having (have) lunch when our neighbour came (come) and told (tell) us that we flooded (flood) hid bathroom. <-- z tym zdaniem mam problem nie wiem jaki tutaj czas zastosować
I spended (spend) a few days in Madrit. It's a wonderful.
Dziękuje ślicznie za pomoc :)
1.Susan hadn't played (not play) squash before the learned (learn) how to play tennis. OK
Have you ever eaten (ever, eat) octopus? OK
Peter had played (play)computer games hours before he went (go) to school. CZY TAM NIE BYLO 'FOR HOURS'? TAK CZY INACZEJ, LEPIEJ BEDZIE 'HAD BEEN PLAYING'
Has she found (find) her purse yet? OK
John left (leave) his mobile on the bus. OK
We were having (have) lunch when our neighbour came (come) and told (tell) us that we HAD flooded (flood) hid bathroom. <-- z tym zdaniem mam problem nie wiem jaki tutaj czas PRZECIEZ NAJPIERW ZALALISMY, A POTEM NAM O TYM POWIEDZIAL. MOZESZ TO POTRAKTOWAC TAKZE JAKO NASTEPSTWO CZASOW W MOWIE ZALEZNEJ
I spended (spend) a few days in MadriD - TO NIE JEST CZASOWNIK REGULARNY.
Peter had been played (play)computer games for two hours before he went (go) to school.
We were having (have) lunch when our neighbour came (come) and told (tell) us that we had flooded (flood) hid bathroom.
I spent (spend) a few days in Madrid.

teraz w porządku wszystkie zdania? czy jeszcze mam coś źle? tak rzeczywiscie było "for two hours"
Peter had been played (play)computer games ZLE PRZEPISALAS
playing ok :)

Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc !!! :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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