speech on how to reduce crime in the city

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Could anybody look and correct in necessary? Thanks if so.

What should we do to reduce crime?

Every civilized society should aspire to reduce crime by any means necessary. When standard of living is going down then there is more crime. Thus the government should provide citizens with high standard of living by jobs in many fields. I believe that unemployment is one of the factors that turn people to crime.

There should be more well-trained policemen and agents undercover in the streets. The law should be toughened and the penalties should be more harsh. These steps will certainly prevent prospective criminals and offenders from breaking the law.

The idea to toughen penalties plays a significant role in making our environment more safe because there is awareness of a harsh penalty. No one wants to be penalized and end up in a prison - especially for many ears. I’d toughen the law especially for more serious crimes. Today’s penalty code is very lenient and a lot of criminals leave prisons and commit crimes again. The rehabilitation system doesn’t meet expectations and should be changed for the better to meet its goals. Is an ex-criminal a better man after doing his time?
Cytat: calf
Could anybody look and correct iF necessary? Thanks if so. <-NIEZROZUMIALE

What should we do to reduce crime?

Every civilized society should aspire<-GÓRNOLOTNE WORK to reduce crime by any means necessary. When PRZEDIMEK standard of living is going down then<-ZAMIEN NA PRZECINEK there is more crime. Thus the government should ENSURE citizens with PRZEDIMEK, ALE INNY high standard of living FOR CITIZENS by GERUND jobs in many fields. I believe that unemployment is one of the factors that turn people to crime.

There should be more well-trained policemen TYLKO MEZCZYZN? and undercover AGENTS in the streets. The law should be toughened and the penalties should be more harsh. These steps will certainly prevent MOŻESZ UZYC LADNIEJ BRZMIACEGO 'DETER' prospective LEPIEJ: POTENTIAL criminals and offenders from breaking the law.

The idea to toughen penalties plays a significant role in making our environment more safe STOPIEN WYZSZY Z -ER. TO JEST KROTKI PRZYMIOTNIK. because there is awareness of a harsh penalty. No one wants to be penalized and end up in a prison - especially for many ears. I’d MOZESZ UZYWAC SCIAGNIETYCH FORM CZASOWNIKA? toughen the law especially for more serious crimes. Today’s penalty code=KODEKS KAR, BO 'KODEKS KARNY' JEST INACZEJ is very lenient and a lot of criminals leave prisons and commit crimes again. The rehabilitation system doesn’t J.W. meet THE expectations and should be changed for the better to meet its goals. Is an ex-criminal a better man after doing his time? TO NIE JEST ODPOWIEDNIE ZAKONCZENIE
thanks man,

1. "When PRZEDIMEK standard of living is going down then<-ZAMIEN NA PRZECINEK there is more crime."
Ale jak chcę powiedzieć: Kiedy jakość życia spada, to wtedy rośnie przestępczość, to nie mogę użyć then?

2. "Thus the government should ENSURE citizens with PRZEDIMEK, ALE INNY high standard of living FOR CITIZENS by GERUND jobs in many fields"
Czyli: Thus the government should ensure a high standard of living for citizens by offering jobs in many fields.

1 nie musisz uzyc then. then jest tam niepotrzebne.
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