Native From the US wanting to learn Polish

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dobrze zauwazylas "for over ..." - kolezanka eva najwyrazniej ma
>problemy z ang ... Ale coz - nobody's perfect ;)

Exactly, nobobody's perfect. So double check before you say something next time:

In an informal style, "for" is often left out in expressions that say how long something lasts.

I've been here three weeks now.
I've been here over two years.
How long are you staying here?

>A Amerykanie (no offence) bywaja baaardzo tepi (mieszkalam tam przez 2
>lata - oni sa w wiekszoscie "nieswiadomi" swego jezyka)

I w takim tepym towarzystwie wytrzymalas az dwa lata??? No coz, najwyrazniej ciagnie swoj do swego.
I zeby nie bylo, ze sobie to wymyslilam - Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, wydanie 3., strona 451, rozdzial 451.7
It looks like you picked wrong place to post your ad. Instead of finding someone willing to have fun and language exchange you got severely critised by polish kids :)))). Keep warm and try not to get into troubles. And better keep away from beer :)Best wishes!
That is exactly how national stereotypes come into being.
Cheers! (:
ok than Mr native I have got one question:) how do YOU come across this forum if You do not know Polish at all:)?

Polish lesson no 1
insulting sentences :)

Pierdol się ---> fuck yourself:)
Debilu! ----> moron:)
kurwa----> fuck

obove there are no such word, so given circumstances WE DO NOT OFFEND YOU:)

CHEERS! best wishes!
Seems your right mi mi... any idea where I can find a forum where there isn't so much garbage being thrown around? I was simply looking to make a friend or 2 and it appears that 3 simple words...(yes, probably used "grammatically" incorrect...forgive me, I'm imperfect, I'm a man) caused such a stir that the actual intention of the thread got lost in the "zamieszki". Sorry, it's an English Only (and yes for those of you who don't know... That's an English word also...
nutty... you haven't answered my question...How do you figure(why do you think) I have Washington Comcast?
Eva, I'm a pretty relaxed guy... you can ask anyone that actually knows me... as for defending me, how was could I have known, the only posts made that I could understand were negative towards me and the others are in Polish. As for the rest of you that 'nutty' is refering to when he/she says "...By the way, relax. That's why they're writing all that stuff for, to annoy you, so don't give them this satisfaction..." I don't have ANY idea what your saying so have fun... And as far as me getting to this website not knowing any polish, I know enough to get around but I don't TRY to read what obviously appears to be a 'negative' thread. There are a couple of people here who are obviously over the age of 10 and Eva, I do include you in that age bracket even though things seen to have gotten off to a rough start. So, back to the subject...Is there anyone who'd like to head off to the seaside for a weekend? lol :) I do have GG. Although, I still haven't figured out all the little buttons and configurations...I'm working on it :/
You could always try - might be best place to find someone.
'As for being imperfect, just because you're a man' - you're taking this far too personally, this is a forum for exchanging views. I, personally, have never met a man who was 'perfect' so you're not alone.
Hey Terri...I'm not taking it personally...Honest...that's an expression I use all the time as an excue when I make a mistake... it's actually seen as funny in most circles... I find that the biggest problem when it comes to forums and text messages is that people read emotions into them...That is the worst thing someone can do(although I wish I could practice what I preach, I tend to do it myself and I try to read without 'intonation') Please, if anyone thinks I'm offended... once again, you've read emotions into typed words from someone you know absolutely nothing about...I've even gone so far as when dating someone NOT to use text messaging with that person for fear of miscommunications. How many times have you misread an sms and when you actually talked with that person said to them, "Oh that's what you meant". With those thoughts in mind... can anyone tell me what this sentence is actually means?

"I did't hit the dog in the street with the car."

Somebody write the next sentence...
I'm glad - it's good that we know how to laugh at ourselves. sentence...
I tried to avoid the dog and to hit a tree that wasn't there.
That's's a few more...
"I" didn't hit the dog in the street... You did...
I didn't "hit" the dog in the street... I "pet" the dog in the street
I didn't hit the "dog" in the street... I hit the "cat" in the street
I didn't hit the dog in the "street"... I hit the dog in the "house"

It's all about intonation... Some of you may think this is silly, but hey... it's not 'what' we say, but 'how' we say it...

SO, anyone wanna... never
Dougm, try
(and CHAOS is a Greek word)
I'm sorry about you.
I'm "sorry about" "you"?? Try again...
If you don't want to get into trouble, Mr. Native, just stay away from bald, big bastards wearing tracksuits. :D
....but don't stay away from young, nice looking girls.
Wy tu gadu gadu,a biedny pan amerykanin nie ma z kim spędzić wakacji lol :P:P:P
You chat and chat and poor american guy doesn't have any person to spend holiday with :P:P:P (my english is terrible I know I know... ;-P )
Are pollaks the ugliest human beings on the planet or what? Look at the reception that they give a person that's trying to be friendly. Pollaks don't know the English language cause they are the cousins of the Russians yet they are going to tell you about how it should be spoken, no wonder Pollaks are hated all over the world. If this american guy would've posted a message in any other country, he would have never gotten this kind of reception. I have friends all over Europe and believe me, these slavic freak Polaks are hated all over, that's the opinion I hear from many countries. Keep it up pollaks, your reputation will never go away.
if you're trying to provoke Polish people it's not gonna happen
Hey American fellow if you are looking for a girl I suggest you look elsewhere cause Poles are anti-anglo, I am a Brit and have experienced some cold treatment from the majority and all the anglos that I have met in Poland share the same opinion. I've been all over Europe in countries like Sweden, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Holland, Finland to name a few and these countries are Anglo-friendly. These countries I mentioned know how to treat a foreigner visiting their country unlike the communist slavic treatment. I can't be wrong, look at the way these creatures have responded cause you are American. They are so full of complex and inferiority that when anybody speaks English instead of reading the message for what it is the Poles inspect every sentence and according to their book test tube English that sounds so ridiculous. Poles don't want to accept that they speak English as a second language and they also believe that if is not in the English book, is wrong. This behaviour comes from several years of communism that is still present as you can see. I know their arrogance is laughable but their jealousy toward Anglos is mind blowing. Take it from me and stick to your kind, let the slavics hang out with the Slavics and the Anglos with the Anglos. This attitude is the reason why when you see international news you can see just about any and every country there is but you never hear Poland making international noise, that is because they aren't a big player in the world due to the amazing Polish goverment with the "I stand alone" attitude that almost every pole shares. I bet you that these creatures instead of letting my message register, they are going to inspect it and say that I don't know how to speak English, they are like Iranians, you can't knock sense into their heads. Before I go I'm going to say a few idioms often used by Anglos that would drive the Poles crazy and would give them something to chew on for a while; 1)give it a go,2)long time no see 3) How ya doing? Oh Mary Mother of God thet's so wrong, I should be shot because the book doesn't say it like that. Stop it now I'm acting like a Pole. In Poland English is a way for the gigantic inferiority complex to be fed, not a language and they hate us Anglos because we are what they wish they could be but never will be.
It's all very well you expressing your opinion as a Brit, but as always you only present one side of the argument. Poles are very friendly, well certainly the ones that I've come across. For a start men are good looking and courteous. But then, I could just be biased. And another thing, matey, I also think that I might just have an advantage over you - I actually speak their lingo. Maybe, if you had bothered to learn, then you would understand a lot more and not go around with bllinkered tunnel vision. p.s. and yes, I do know how to speak English properly, even though I am originally from Krakow - aha, so what does that make me, a Pole or a Brit.
If the attitude expressed by the 'creatures' towards you is not to your liking -then there's only one solution.
>so what does that make me, a Pole or a Brit.

a freak of nature? ;)
People often say that I live in 'my world'- totally different from the rest of humanity - well, only until the drugs wear off - then I'm back in the real world.
Terri judging by your mentality the answer would be, you are a full blown Pole without a hair of a Brit cause it is plain to see that the Poles ganged up on the American from the get go and you called that friendly ? Only poles are blind to the truth so that's the category you'd fit in Terri. Yo can go on Yahoo and myspace where Anglos write messages all the time or to any forum where only Anglos are a member of and you will see that everybody mispells on purpose and you'll never see an Anglo saying "Hey learn how to spell, you spelled that wrong" and this is cause we don't have that inferiority complex, and Terri the only people that are entitled to an opinion about how friendly Poles are or how they treat foreigners would be the foreigners, not for Poles to say. I know that the slavic mentality is to believe that what is black is white and the truth is hard to swallow. Poles friendly ? Terri you must be on some heavy drugs or heavy denial. When you walk anywhere in Poland all you see is frowned depressive communist faces, very little people in Poland are friendly, I love when Poles that never travelled outside of Poland or have friends from other nationalities give opinions on how much the world loves them. Most poles don't travel or have friends from other nationalities and one of the reasons why they don't, is because most Poles don't speak English, English as you can see is making it's entrance in Poland and you people couldn't show it anymore. Sweden is a country where people speak English , I repeat Poland is not, snap out of it people and if you know so much English Terri I think you should help your Poles with english so they wouldn't write serwis, Hapy hour with one P(I've seen this in many places and more), and I can go on all day about how good their English language is.
hey, what did poles do, tht u hate them so much? the way they answered tht man question was sick, but ur answer wasn't better. by the way, hope will never become like English (if all of them r like u). mfg
do u remeber wht was the topic? :P
ananyway i hv friends from all over the europe, from spain, france, germany, finland, italy, lithuania, russia. all of them spent about 6 months (or more) in poland as volounteers, and u know wht? none of them said 'poles r unfriendly'.
think tht they(poles) behave bit strange sometimes, couse they don't know foregin languages. and after the 2. ww they often feell betraied by aliants (do u know wht does it mean 50 years of communism?).
but when it comes to comments in internet, must admit, they seems to b sick nation.
and they love to quarrel and complain.
oh, and as u can see, i made a lot of mistakes, couse english is my 2 language 2!
Thank you for the kind comment - "You are a full-blown Pole" - well that is interesting. Seeing as I've spent three-quarters of my life in dear Old Blighty - that is a laugh!!!
And just for your information - when I am in Poland I am a foreigner - on a foreign passport - so stick that in your hat and smoke it. Therefore, according to your post - I am entitled to express an opinion - as I am foreign.
I am sure that after 60-70 years of communism, a state, which unfortunately, you have never had to endure - you would walk around with a silly grin on your face-as then you would have something to grin about. Be a little more tolerant, please, if you don't understand what people have had to go through, now and again pick up a book on the subject - maybe then you'll understand.
And my final word - and for your informtion - I do intend to teach English in Poland and yes, I do see misspellings, which make me laugh as well - but that is part of the way the world is - you've obviously never seen any misspellings in anything the English write in England. Oh, do grow up.
Discussion finished.
Masuria you sound as dumb as everyonelese by calling Poles friendly when it has been proven on this very forum that's under your nose but you failed to read that they aren't friendly and they are nastty, How can anyone say that they are friendly, try reading for once and Masuria I don't think anybody is going to tell you to your face that Poland sucks. I have friends of all nationalities and you ought to hear their opinions. I mean it's all over the net, check it out.
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