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Reality shows- droga do sławy czy psychologiczna zagadka?
Nowadays reality shows bacame very popular with people. These programmes are getting more and more viwers not only among young people but others also. It happens because of their unusual structure which has not possess any rules. There exists a question: is reality show a way to fame or psychological trap??
Firstly, people who take part in reality shows have a chance to become famous and being recognized in society. Besides, appearing in the reality show is a great possibility to earn a lot of money which is the main prize of programme.Moreover, such programmes let us to meet new interesting people and make friends.
On the other hand, it doesn't have only good sides. For example a person who will not win a prize may feel frustrated. Furthermore, famous people have to face to a lack of privancy and photographers who will follow their each step and will wait for the smallest failure to get an exciting article. At last but not least, there can be some disagreements among participants which may make a uncomfortable atmospehere during staying in reality show.
On balance, I think that there are as many drwaback as positive aspects of taking part in the reality show. I believe that fortune favours the brave and programme like this is a great challenge.
Nowadays reality shows HAVE 'bacame' (ortog) very popular with people. These
programmes are getting more and more viwers not only among young
people but others also (np jakich?). THIS 'It' (niepotr) happens because of their unusual structure which 'has' DOES not possess any rules. There exists a question: is A reality show a way to fame or psychological trap??
Firstly, people who take part in reality shows have a chance to become
famous and OF being recognized in society. Besides, appearing in the
reality show is a great possibility to earn a lot of money which is
the main prize of THE programme. Moreover, such programmes let us 'to' (niepotr) meet new interesting people and make friends.
On the other hand, 'it' (do czego to sie odnosi - appearance in a reality show, czy 'reality show'?) doesn't have only good sides.
Furthermore, famous people have to face UP to a lack of 'privancy' (ortog) and photographers...
'At' AND last but not least, there can be some disagreements among participants which may make aN uncomfortable 'atmospehere' (ortog) during THE 'staying' TIME SPENT in A reality show.
On balance, I think that there are as many 'drwaback' (ortog i as positive aspects of taking part in 'the' A reality show. I believe that fortune
favours the brave and 'programme like this' (albo 'programmes like this ARE' albo and 'A programme like this IS') is a great challenge.
dzieki wielkie:)


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