Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy jakieś punkty za ten list dostanę.
Hi Tom
How are you doing? It's nice that you are coming to Polish. You should take a waterproof clothes because the last time it's raining. I want to do a party. You must come. i think that Saturday, 19th it's very good time. what do you think about this time? i want to do a party in my new house. I have a big TV and very good CD player. In living room we can do it a small dance hall. I think that will be very fine. Latley I have left my watch with you. If you can take my watch I was very thanks. I will come for you at the air port.
have a nice trip and see you

jak mogli byście powiedzieć jakie mam tu błędy to byłbym wdzięczny.
Far too many mistakes. For starters, Polish is an adjective or a language.
Z translatora korzystales?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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