Przetłumaczy ktoś?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.What does a careers adviser do?
2. Have you or has a friend of yours ever spoken to a careers adviser? What advice did you/he/she get?
3.Which subjects did you choose to study for your school-leaving exam? Why?
4.At what age do students usually start Year 10 in England? Which year would they be in the Polish system?
5.Can students choose what subjects they do for GCSE? 4 What is the next exam after the GCSE called?
6.What are some well-known universities in your country? What are they known for?
7. What badly zda can be done to stop students behaving in class?
8.where would you most like to go on a school trip?
9. Do people in your country complain about exams being too easy or too difficult? Are they right?
10.Why do you think the children are learning to play instruments?
11. Do you think everybody should have music lessons at school? Why? Why not?
12.Describe a school concert you or one of your friends attended or took part in.
13.Do you think the students are enjoying the lesson? 14.How important is it to have art lessons at school?
15.Describe a lesson you enjoyed.
16.What do you think the boy is learning?
17. Would you like to be a teacher? Why?why not
18.Tell me about a memory you have from primary school.
przetlumacz samodzielnie i daj do sprawdzenia.
Skąd ten tekst?
Coś nie tak w 7 i 8;)


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia