Streszczenie wydarzenia z przeszłości na zaliczenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak w temacie, proszę o sprawdzenie pod kątem zastosowania czasów oraz stylistyki. Nie mam dużego doświadczenia w pisaniu takich tekstów a jest duża potrzeba aby wypadł on jak najlepiej. Z góry dziękuje.

I will tell story which take place a few years ago on the Szczecin Rock Festival. Limp Bizkit was the main star of festival, I was only 17 year old and they were my favorite band at the moment so that was very exciting for me. I traveled there with my friends by train, the journey took 13 hours, after that we all felt very tired, but just a half hour later we entered on the stadium of Pogoń Szczecin. We were young and unexperienced so when we went closer to the scene, “Pogo” was starting and no one knew what was actually happened. My friend Adam lose his schoe and jumped around on the one foot and searched for these schoe. Finally he find this shoe when music stop playing.
Great music and awesome people which we met, this made that we forgot about all discomforts. But after festival we had another problem with money. We spent all cash we had so we were forced to walked around Szczecin at 3 A.M and searched for active banking machine in the other way we couldn’t buy return ticket.
At the end, we came back to home healthy and with great memories.
I'm going to tell you the story which took place a few years ago during the Szczecin Rock Festival. Limp Bizkit's performance is what everybody was waiting for. I was only 17 years old and it was my favourite band back then so I was very excited. Me and my friends, we went there by train. Travelling took 13 hours and we were very tired. Just half an hour later we arrived at the stadium of Pogoń Szczecin. Because we were young and quite irresponsible we went in very front of the stage, “mosh/pogo dancing” suddenly kicked in. My mate Adam lost his shoe and he had to jump on one leg while he was looking for it. Finally he found it when the music stopped.
The music was great and we met awesome people , this made us forget about all discomforts. When the festival ended we found ourselves in trouble. Because we spent all our money we needed to find a cash point. We were walking the streets of Poznan at 3 am in search of ATM. We needed money to buy train tickets in order to get on the train and come back home. Eventually we managed to come back home,healthy. It was a great experience which we will remember for the rest of our lives.
edytowany przez big.f00t: 24 sty 2017
Dziękuje! ;)

jak bedziesz chciec, zeby ktos odrobil prace domowa, to pisz bezposrednio do bigf00ta.
jak bedziesz chciec sie czegos nauczyc, pisz na forum.
na razie napisz, czego sie nauczyles z tego, ze ktos napisal swoje opowiadanie na podstawie Twojego. Konkretnie: co umiesz teraz dzięki temu, że przeczytales, co ktos inny napisal.


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