Proszę o pomoc.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam do zrobienia zadania, a jestem kiepska z angielskiego. Proszę Was o pomoc w ich rozwiązaniu bo sama nie dam rady :(
Give a proper passive voice:
1. It (say) ........that he discovered a new planet.
2. JF Kennedy is said to (shoot) ......... by Oswald.
3.Not many motorways (build) Poland since 2000.
4. Don't enter the Room beacouse the exam (write)..... there now.
5. Hamlet (write) Shakespeare.
6. I want to ( admire)...... by my parents.
7. Most people hate (criticize) their partners.
8. Milk should (drink)........... every day.
9. Who ...........this pisture (paint)

Give a proper word:
1. There was a big ear Tokyo and many buildings were demolished.
2. I am a self - suff ....... person, so I don't need your help.
3. I have a sed .........job. I work in an office.
4. She doesen't like anything- she copm......... about everything.
5. After her death I inh............. a lot of many.
6. When I was in France I had an oppo............. to learn French.
7. Your French isn't too good so you should imp................ it.
Pomoc jest wtedy, jak odrabiasz sama, a ktos wskazuje bledy. W ten sposob szlifujesz swoj angielski.
Dawanie zadania do odrobienia przez innych do szukanie frajera.


Pomoc językowa