Sprawdzenie zdań, czasy przeszłe.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Miałam do zrobienia kilka zdań, były napisane w całości, jedynie czasowniki były w nawiasach w bezokoliczniku. Rozumiem te czasy, tylko gorzej z praktyką. :s
1.I soon realised how lucky I had been to survive the crash.
2.The police was following him since the very moment they had started to suspect him.
3.Our uncle returned from a business trip and found out that somebody has broken into his house.
4.We had called the suppliers to ask why the goods we've ordered didn't arrive by wednesday.
5.I played much better I had expected.
6.Rachel adimtted she has been in love with him.
7.I didn't have to water the flowers as my father had done it before.
8.I wasn't able to read that text because I hadn't take my glasses with me.

Będę wdzięczna za sprawdzenie, jutro mam sprawdzian. :o : )


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie