how to motivate the workforce in large companies. presentation

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Good afternoon everybody. My name is Arek, and I’d like to thank you all for being here.
My purpose today is to tell you about different ways of motivating workforce in large companies.

Every manager should know, that you really can’t motivate anybody to do anything, but you can create the right conditions for motivation your personnel .
To somebody surprise money doesn’t motivate employees. It’s definitely an incentive. But remuneration, which includes pay and benefits doesn’t motivate: it activates people to do the minimum that is required in their job.
Now I’d like to tell you: what does motivate.
• First thing is to let them choose the ways and methods to get the results you are looking for.
• Second step is to make sure that employees have skills and tools they need to do the job that’s been given to them. This may be in the form of office equipment or skills training.
• Next thing, which help to motivate workforce and improve their morale is to make everybody in company equal. It makes workforce feel valued and involved to creating company.
• The last tip I would like to give you about motivating your employees is to give them flexible work hours. Flexible work schedule can only make their work more efficient.
In conclusion the positive atmosphere in work, reasonable rewarding, skills training and flexible work schedule makes workforce more efficient in their job.
Thank you for listening to me. Are there any final questions ?

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