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In my free time I always watching films. I had watched a lot of new films and the best I’ve ever seen is Seven Pounds. Seven Pounds is created by Gabriele Muccino. The director is known of direct “The Pursuit of Happyness”. The main character is Will Smith who plays Ben Thomas.
When the film started we can hear words spoken by main character “In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine”. It’s create a lot of mysterious. At the beginning of the film we can see a man who is calling 911 to report his own suicide. We don’t know why is he doing it, we can only guess that something was wrong. The first scene create atmosphere and tension. It isn’t change until the end of the film.
Music in this film is created by Angelo Milli and it is very appropriate for situation. Acting in the film is very good, especially Woody Harrelson who play Ezra Turner. He is blind and he is working in call-center. I can’t imagine that anyone could play it better.
To sum up, Seven Pounds is a great film. After you viev this film you will still wondering about sense of human existence . In my opinion it’s the best psychological drama I’ve ever seen. I recommend it for everybody who like psychological films with a little of mysterious.
In my free time I always 'watching' (zly czas -) films. I had watched a lot of (tu brakuje przedimka) new films and the best THAT I’ve ever seen is Seven Pounds. Seven Pounds is 'created' (dziwne slowo, bo generalnie filmy nie sa stworzone) by Gabriele Muccino. The director is known 'of direct' (to jest zle...napisz co chcialas powiedziec) “The Pursuit of' Happyness”' (ortog blad). The main character is 'Will Smith who plays Ben Thomas' (tutaj pokrecilas...character to jest Ben Thomas ktory jest grany przez Will Smith).
When the film started we 'can' (ale jak masz 'started' to chyba daje znac ze to czas przeszly - popraw) hear words spoken by (brak przedimka) main character “In seven days, God created the world.
'It’s' (napisalas 'it is' czy to jest poprawnie?) 'create' (zle, bo jak jest 'it' to 3os.l.poj) a lot of 'mysterious' (ale mysterious CO?.) At the beginning of the film we can see a man 'who is' (niepotr) calling 911 to report his own suicide. We don’t know why is he doing it, we can only guess that something 'was' (tutaj IS) wrong. The first scene 'create' (tutaj 3 so.l.poj - ile razy to zapominasz?) atmosphere and tension. It 'isn’t' (zle, tutaj podpowiem ' does not') change until the end of the film.
Music in this film is created by Angelo Milli and it is very appropriate for (a gdzie przedimek?0 situation.
'playS- prosze nauczyc sie o 3os.l.poj i w jaki sposob piszemy czasowniki regularne.
He is blind and he is working in (a gdzie przedimek?) call-center.
After you 'viev' (ortog ale i tak zle slowo, tutaj SEE) this film you will BE 'still' (niepotr) LEFT wondering about (a gdzie przedimek?) sense of human existence .
I WOULD recommend it 'for' (kalka z polskiego 'dla- tutaj inaczej TO) everybody who 'like' (everybody tutaj l. poj - popraw) psychological films with a little 'of' (niepotr) 'mysterious' (zla czesc mowy).

Co z tymi przedimkami? ....
Poprawione, z tym willem smithem chodzi mi o to że Will Smith gra postać Bena Thomasa, tak samo Woody Harrleson gra w filmie postać Ezry Turnera.
aa I chciałem napisać że reżyser znany jest również z wyreżeserowania filmu "The Pursuit of Happyness" .

In my free time I always watch films. I had watched a lot of new films and the best that I’ve ever seen is Seven Pounds. Seven Pounds is directed by Gabriele Muccino. The director is known of direct “The Pursuit of Happyness”. The main character is Ben Thomas who plays Will Smith.
When the film start we can hear words spoken by the main character “In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine”. It creates an aura of mystery. At the beginning of the film we can see a man calling 911 to report his own suicide. We don’t know why is he doing it, we can only guess that something is wrong. The first scene creates atmosphere and tension. It does not change until the end of the film.
Music in this film is created by Angelo Milli and it is very appropriate for the situation. Acting in the film is very good, especially Woody Harrelson who plays Ezra Turner. He is blind and he is working in a call-center. I can’t imagine that anyone could play it better.
To sum up, Seven Pounds is a great film. After you see this film you will be left wondering about the sense of human existence . In my opinion it’s the best psychological drama I’ve ever seen. I recommend it for everybody who like psychological films with a little of mystery.
edytowany przez gumi1993: 03 lis 2010
The director is known 'of direct ' (dlaczego to tak zostawiles, jak to nie jest poprawne - to co napisales to nic nie znaczy)“The Pursuit of 'Happyness' (napisalam ze tu masz blad ortog - a ty nic....)”.
The main character is 'Ben Thomas who plays Will Smith' ( i znowu jest zle, bo nie rozumiesz co piszesz, napisales...Ben gra Will, a przeciez sam mowisz ze tak nie jest)

Nie czytam reszty, bo widze, ze tobie to sie nie chce tego poprawiac , tylko szukasz kogos kto to zrobi. Zle trafiles.
Poprawiłem ile umiem, nie wiem co zrobić z tym of direct, dałem for direct....

In my free time I always watch films. I had watched a lot of new films and the best that I’ve ever seen is Seven Pounds. Seven Pounds is directed by Gabriele Muccino. The director is known for direct “The Pursuit of Happiness”. Will Smith plays the role of main character Ben Thomas.
When the film start we can hear words spoken by the main character “In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine”. It creates an aura of mystery. At the beginning of the film we can see a man calling 911 to report his own suicide. We don’t know why is he doing it, we can only guess that something is wrong. The first scene creates atmosphere and tension. It does not change until the end of the film.
Music in this film is created by Angelo Milli and it is very appropriate for the situation. Acting in the film is very good, especially Woody Harrelson who plays Ezra Turner. He is blind and he is working in a call-center. I can’t imagine that anyone could play it better.
To sum up, Seven Pounds is a great film. After you see this film you will be left wondering about the sense of human existence . In my opinion it’s the best psychological drama I’ve ever seen. I recommend it for everybody who like psychological films with a little of mystery.
Cytat: terri
)“The Pursuit of 'Happyness' (napisalam ze tu masz blad ortog - a ty nic....)”.

Terri, normalnie by był błąd ortograficzny. Tytuł tego filmu nie pamiętam już teraz dlaczego, ale celowo był napisany z błędem, czyli tak ma być.
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