Czy ktoś może mi sprawdzić?

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Dear Barbara!

As you know I’m in Milan now. There is a lot of museums and monuments so it’s perfect for me. The weather is awesome. Sun is shining all the time and nothing can stop me from sightseeing.
I’m staying in a small hotel on periphery. Food is OK and people are friendly. I met there Michael who is also interested in sightseeing as me.
Since I came there, I’ve been in a lot of places. The most impressive on me had the Milan Cathedral and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. You have to visit this places! I’m going to go to the Basilica di San Lorenzo and to church Santa Maria delle Grazie – there is the mural of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci.
I’ll come back to London next week by plane. Could you pick me from the airport?
Best greetings
Błedy podkreślone.

Cytat: aniolook
Dear Barbara!

As you know, I’m in Milan now. There is a lot of museums and monuments so it’s perfect for me. The weather is awesome. THE sun is shining all the time and nothing can stop me from sightseeing.
I’m staying in a small hotel on periphery (nie znam to slowo). THE food is OK and people are friendly. I met Michael HERE, who is also AS interested in sightseeing as I AM.
Since I came HERE, I’ve been in a lot of (lepsze by bylo: I've visited many) places. The most impressive on me had (lepsze: The most impressive places were) the Milan Cathedral and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. You have to visit this places! I’m going to go to the Basilica di San Lorenzo and to THE church Santa Maria delle Grazie – there is the mural of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci.
I’ll come back (lepsze: I'll return) to London next week by plane. Could you pick me UP from the airport?
Best greetings
Cytat: dorotakrysia
Błedy podkreślone.

Welcome to the club :-)
Jeżeli jeszcze zaczniesz tępić osoby, które chcą, żeby ktoś odrobił za nie całą pracę domową, możesz zostać forumowym zgredem, a to najwyższy stopień wtajemniczenia.

do autorki listu:
to z periphery to będzie 'on the outskirts'
dorotakrysia bądź inna osoba znająca się na angieslkim, bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie błędów w moim paragrafie. Będe naprawdę wdzięczna !

The Dream Cafe
The Dream, a small cafe located in the heart of Augustów, is special for me for two main reasons. First of all, there is an amazing decor. There are many pictures on all claret walls, which show famous people, for instance Marilyn Monroe. Apart from that, there are comfortable, red sofas match squares, brown tables. Whole cafe looks cosy and modern. Another important characteristic, which make this place som special, is the view from the window. It is absolutely gorgeous park with old classic fountain in the middle. Therefore, it provides a peaceful, unwinding and also inspiring stay. In conslusion, The Dram Cafe in unique place to me not only for its decor but also for its location.
First of all, there is 'an' THE amazing decor. There are many pictures on all (brakuje przedimka) claret walls, which show famous people, for instance Marilyn Monroe. Apart from that, there are comfortable, red sofas 'match squares' (tego nie rozumiem)(,) AND brown tables. (a gdzie przedimek) whole cafe looks cosy and modern. Another important characteristic, which make this place 'som' (co to jest?) special, is the view from the window.
'It is absolutely gorgeous park with old classic fountain in the middle' (cos z tym zdaniem nie jest tak -pomysl)
'Therefore, it provides a peaceful, unwinding and also inspiring stay' (nie za bardzo jako zdanie) . In 'conslusion,' (ortog) The 'Dram' (ortog) Cafe (tu brakuje czasownika) in (a gdzie przedimek?) unique place 'to' FOR me not only for its decor but also for its location.
A teraz jest dobrze?

The Dream Cafe
The Dream, a small cafe located in the heart of Augustów, is special for me for two main reasons. First of all, there is the amazing decor. There are many pictures on all the claret walls, which show famous people, for instance Marilyn Monroe. Apart from that, there are comfortable red sofas, which match squares brown tables.The whole cafe looks cosy and modern. Another important characteristic, which make this place so special, is the view from the window, which provides a peaceful, unwinding and also inspiring stay. It is absolutely gorgeous park with old classic fountain in the middle . In concslusion, The Dream Cafe is the unique place for me not only for its decor but also for its location
... red sofas, which match 'squares' (to jest zle slow, chyba myslisdz o 'square') brown tables.
It is )tu brwkuje prxedimka) absolutely gorgeous park with (przedimek) old classic fountain in the middle . In 'concslusion' (ortog), The Dream Cafe is the unique place for me not only for its decor but also for its location
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