Rozmowa o pracę- Dialog

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojego dialogu- rozmowy o pracę. Pozdrawiam :)

A: Good mornning. I was appointed for interview at 10 o'clock (Byłam umowiona na rozmowę o pracę na 10)
B: Good morning. Mrs ..... ?
A: Yes
B:Please sit down. I was reading your cover letter and CV. I am interested in collaboration, but I must ask you some questions.
B:Of course I'll try to answer all your questions
A:So, tell me about your education
B: I graduated from Unveristy of Gdańsk with degree in Tourism Studies. The school provided me with a solid foundation in major areas of tourism operations. My level in english is fluent in speaking and writing. I also speak some french and german.
I hold certificate in tourism menagement and I am due to take examinations in hotel menagement.
A: You have a wide range of knowledge about tourism industry. Great. And what about your work experience?
B: For the past two years I have been working as a tourism broker. I was a very skilful worker at my last company.
A: Can you tell me about yourself?
B: I am patient, alert and self confident. These personal qualities are support in work in a team. so I am a good candidate for this job. I am also able to work under pressure.
A:What are your weak points?
B: I'm not punctual.
A: You should work on this (musisz nad tym popracować??) Do you have any questions?
B: Yes. Can you tell me what is the starting salary??
A: Actually, salary is 1000 euros and for good results at work we give also premiums.
B: And what benefits are there?
A: You will have cheap holidays and once a month our employees get free tickets for different attractions
B: Great
A: When would you be willing to start ?
B: Even from tommorow
A: So please come to the company on Monday at 7 o'clock.
B: Thank you. Goodbye
A: Goodbye. See you next week.

A: Good mornning. I' was appointed for' (had an) interview at 10 o'clock
B:Please sit down. I was reading your cover letter and CV. I am interested in 'collaboration' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) , but I must ask you some questions.
B: I graduated from (przedimek) 'Unveristy' (ortog) of Gdańsk with (przedimek A) degree in Tourism Studies. The 'school' (to nie byla szkola a University) provided me with a solid foundation in major areas of tourism operations. My level 'in' OF English is fluent in speaking and writing. I also speak some French and German.
I hold (brak przedimka) Certificate in tourism 'menagement' (ortog) and I am due to take examinations in Hotel 'menagement' (dlaczego piszesz to slowo w ten sposob?).
A: You have a wide range of knowledge about (brak przedimka) tourism industry.
B: For the past two years I have been working as a tourism broker. I was 'a very skilful worker' (ale to dla mnie nic nie znaczy - musisz napisac dokladniej) at my last company.
These personal qualities 'are support' (nie rozumiem tego, cos tu nie tak) 'in' (niepotr) work in a team.
B: Yes. Can you tell me what 'is the starting salary' (zla kol slow, to ma byc pytanie)??
A: Actually, salary is 1000 euros and for good results at work we 'give also' (zla kol slow) premiums.
: Good morning. I have an appointment for an interview at 10 o'clock
B: Good morning. Mrs...?
A: Yes
B: Please sit down. I was reading your cover letter and CV. I am interested in collaboration (? może, in hiring you) but I must ask you some questions first.
B:Of course I'll try to answer all your questions
A:So, tell me about your education
B: I graduated from the University of Gdańsk with a degree in Tourism Studies. The school provided me with a solid foundation in the major areas of tourism operations. I speak and write English fluently. I also speak some French and German.
I hold a certificate in tourism management and I am due to take examinations in hotel management.
A: You have a wide range of knowledge about the tourism industry. Great. And what about your work experience?
B: For the past two years I have been working as a tourism broker. I was a very skillful (?) worker at my last company.
A: Can you tell me about yourself?
B: I am patient, alert and self-confident. These personal qualities are helpful in teamwork. Therefore, I am a good candidate for this job. I am also able to work well under pressure.
A:What are your weak points?
B: I'm not punctual.
A: You should work on this (musisz nad tym popracować??) Do you have any questions?
B: Yes. Can you tell me what the starting salary is??
A: Actually, the salary is 1000 euros. For good results at work we also give premiums.
B: And what benefits are there?
A: You will have cheap holidays, and once a month our employees get free tickets for different attractions
B: Great
A: When would you be willing to start?
B: Even from tomorrow (albo tylko jedno slowo: Immediately)
A: Please arrive at the company on Monday at 7 o'clock.
B: Thank you. Goodbye
A: Goodbye. See you next week.

Hm, dlaczego poprawiasz wszystkie błędy zamiast dać autorowi wskazówki, co trzeba poprawić i w ten sposób skłonić go do samodzielnej pracy, tak jak to zrobiła Terri?
I do tego jeszcze z bledami...-
Why? Because I'm a native speaker of English and it takes me forever to write suggestions in Polish :) Besides, the author had your - also with mistakes - version to look at.
There are at least 3 native speakers on this forum and they all have agreed how things should work here.
Cytat: dorotakrysia
Why? Because I'm a native speaker of English and it takes me forever to write suggestions in Polish :) Besides, the author had your - also with mistakes - version to look at.

Ha bloody ha - znalazla sie native speakierka - a co ty myslisz - my wszyscy siedzimy w Polsce...
nie osmieszaj siebie ....
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.