Znalezione zwierzątką - list do znajomego

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Jakiś czas temu znalazłeś zwierzę. W liście do znajomego z zagranicy napisz
. jakie to zwierzę i w jakich okolicznościach je znalazłeś,
. dlaczego zdecydowałeś się wziąć je do domu i jak zareagowali inni domownicy,
. jaki miałeś z nim problem i w jak sposób go rozwiązałeś,
. jakie masz obowiązki wynikające z jego posiadania i jak to wpłynęło na Twoje życie.

I'm writting to you because I would like to tell you that I found a dog yeasterday. This dog sleeping in a vox next to trash. He wa a very cold, dirty and hungry so I took him to my home. My family were schocked by the appeearance of a dog. so We went with him to the vet. I was very worried. Today my dog is healthy, I'am very lucky!
We decided that the dog will be in our house. My life has a changed because I have a many responsibilities. I must to leave with my dog outside every day and I have to cook food and play with him. He was a very inteligent and is called Yerry. Thanks to him I learned to obligatory and I never get bored.
I'am glad that I have him!
Would you like have a animal?
Animal life a change for good! My dog is my best friends and I love him.

See you soon!
in a box *
he was*
...'yeasterday' (ortog). This dog (tu brak slowa) sleeping in a box next to (brak przedimka) trash. He was 'a' (niepotr) very cold, dirty and hungry so I took him to my home. My family were 'schocked' (ortog) by the appeearance of a dog. So we went with him to the vet.
Today my dog is healthy, 'I'am' (nie, cos tu nie tak, albo 'I AM' albo 'I'm') very lucky!
We decided that the dog will 'be' LIVE in our house. My life has 'a' (po co to?) changed because I have 'a' (co jest z tym 'a'?) many responsibilities. I must 'to' (niepotr) leave with my dog outside every day and I have to cook food and play with him. He 'was' IS (bo przecioez dalej jest) a very inteligent and is called 'Yerry' (?). Thanks to him I learned 'to obligatory' 9tpo jest zle, napisz ...how to be responsible) and I never get bored.
'I'am' (popraw) glad that I have him!
Would you like (brak slowa) have 'a' (zle przedimek) 'animal' (generalne na domowe to mowimy PET?
THE animal's life 'a' (co to z tym 'a'?) HAS changeD for good! My dog is my best 'friends' (l. poj) and I love him.
.. yesterday (ortog). This dog was(tu brak slowa) sleeping in a box next to the (brak przedimka) trash. He was very cold, dirty and hungry so I took him to my home. My family were 'shocked' (ortog) by the appeearance of a dog. So we went with him to the vet.
Today my dog is healthy, 'I'm' (nie, cos tu nie tak, albo 'I AM' albo 'I'm') very lucky!
We decided that the dog will 'be' LIVE in our house. My life has ' changed because I have many responsibilities. I must leave with my dog outside every day and I have to cook food and play with him. He IS (bo przecioez dalej jest) a very inteligent and is called 'Yerry' (tutaj chodziło mi oto, że nazywa się YERRY)(?). Thanks to him I learned .how to be responsible) and I never get bored.
'I'm' (popraw) glad that I have him!
Would you like to have (zle przedimek) 'pet' (generalne na domowe to mowimy PET?
THE animal's life ' HAS changeD for good! My dog is my best 'friend' (l. poj) and I love him.

Wszystko już poprawiłam. Mam nadzieję, że jest już dobrze.
Dziękuję Ci za pomoc!
He IS (bo przecioez dalej jest) a very inteligent and is called 'Yerry' / literowka i zbedny przedimek
Would you like to have (zle przedimek) 'pet'? / tu uzyj przedimek. Przedtem bylo mialas animal wiec a bylo zle, zatem juz wiesz jaki tu powinien byc.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie

