prosba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
i poprawienie ewentualnych błędów

question: Hi, thanks for agreeing to the interview. I’ve got a few questions I’d like to ask you.
answer: The only rule is don't be boring.
question: Ok, I’ll try my best. How are you?
answer: I'm really good.
question: Where are you from?
answer: i'm from New York
question: Could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself?
answer: I'm a sensational pop singer, songwriter, and eccentric-fashion model
question: How old are you?
answer: I'm 23
question: Do you have any tattoos?
answer: It seems to me that i have seven tattoos
question: How a tattoo on your body you like best?
answer: It's my first tattoo, and it is a rose on the inside of my wrist
question: What do you like in fame?
answer: It's nice to have fans who loves you and your music
question: What is your favorite movie?
answer: I have a lot of favorite movies, but the most i like "Notebook"
question: Something else about you?
answer: I love to be original. I love to have crazy clothes. The fashion world loves me, and i love the fashion


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie