Proszę o sprawdzenie transformacji.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. He had just recovered from pneumonia when he went down with flu.
- No sooner had he just recovered from pneumonia, then he went down with flu.

2. It wasn’t windy or cloudy.
- It was neither windy nor cloudy.

3. The woman over there is a doctor. I can’t recall her name.
- The woman over there who’s name I can’t recall, is a doctor.

4. I am sure that the burglar got into the house through the window.
- The burglar must have got into the house through the window.

5. Martha didn’t drink up her milk. Pete didn’t either.
- Neither Martha not Pete drink up their milk.

6. They say that Rick ran a mile in five minutes.
- Rick is said to have run a mile in five minutes.

7. She regrets not having married Frank.
- She wishes she had married Frank.

8. The government does very little for the handicapped.
- I think it’s high time the government did more for the handicapped.

9. If only you hadn’t brought your pet snake with you!
- You should not have brought your pet snake with you

10. We were on the point of leaving the office when the phone rang.
- We were about to leave the office when the phone rang.

11. I sent her a present to compensate for my bad behaviour
- I sent her a present to make up for my bad behaviour.

12. I wouldn’t have finished it without his help
- If it had not been for his help, I wouldn’t have finished it.

13. I am sure Ann didn’t do that on purpose.
- Ann can’t have done than on purpose.

14. You may cause an accident if you don’t mind the road.
- Unless you mind the road, you may cause an accident.

15. I will never give her my consent to marry Adam.
- Under no circumstances will I give her my consent to marry Adam.

16. As my grandfather gets older he forgets more.
- The older my grandfather gets, the more he forgets.

17. I used to be more diligent than I am now.
- I am not as diligent as I used to be.

18. She caught a bad cold so she wasn’t allowed to go on that excursion
- If she hadn’t caught a bad cold, she would have been allowed to go on that excursion.

19. Their fifth wedding anniversary is on May 3rd
- By the may 3rd they will have been married for five years.

20. He has to write the reports every month.
- The reports have to be written by him every month.

21. We ought to fix the photocopier.
- The photocopier needs to be fixed / needs fixing.

22. “No smoking”, the notice said.
- The notice warned people not to smoke.

23. “How much does it cost to get to Britain by plane?”, she asked the travel...
- She asked the travel agent how much it cost to get to Britain by plane.

24. I think we should go on holiday.
- It’s high time we went on holiday.

25. Everybody believes that Rose wrote that anonymous letter.
- Rose is believed to have written that anonymous letter.

26. IN SPITE OF the heavy snow, they decided to go skiing.
- Although it was snowing heavily, they decided to go skiing.

27. They made him work overtime.
- He was made to work overtime.

28. Not many people buy these watches because they are very expensive.
- If these watches were cheaper, more people would by them.

29. I can’t stand this noise any longer.
- I can’t put up with this noise any longer.

30. I wouldn’t dare to say that under any circumstances.
- Under no circumstances would I dare to say that.

31. People say he broke the promises he had made.
- He is said to have broken the promises he had made.

32. ‘Please don’t say anything to Paul,’ said the girl to her mother.
- The girl begged her mother not to tell anything to Paul.

33. That’s a real pity that you invited him.
- If only you hadn’t invited him.

34. I am sure they forgot to pack the map. (MUST)
- They must have forgotten to pack the map.

35. He’s a real snob! He thinks he’s better than others who don’t have fashionable clothes. (LOOKS)
- He’s a real snob! He looks down on those who don’t have
fashionable clothes.

36. Almost nobody answered the question because it was too difficult (HARDLY)
- The question was so difficult that hardly anybody answered it.

37. I prefer staying dirty to washing in that water. (RATHER)
- I would rather stay dirty than wash in that water.

38. Our children are allowed to stay up late on Saturdays. (LET)
- We let our children stay up late on Sundays.

39. When did she begin working at the post office?
- How long has she been working at the post office?

40. Our house needs redecorating.
- We must have our house to be redecorated.

41. It’s a pity you are leaving tomorrow.
- I wish you weren’t leaving 2morrow.

42. I spent five hours typing the report.
- It took me 5 hours to type the report.

43. I haven’t seen so much snow for a long time.
- It’s a long time since I saw so much snow.

44. The test was so easy that everyone passed.
- It was such an easy test that everyone passed.

45. Is it really necessary to buy so much bread?
- Do you really have to buy so much bread?

46. He managed to run 10 km in 2 hrs
- He succeeded in running 10 kms in 2 hrs.

47. I am to young and inexperienced to get this job.
- If I were older and more experienced I would get this job.

48. “I didn’t take these papers” he said.
- He denied taking these papers.

49. Perhaps she didn’t realise how much she had to pay.
- She may not have realised how much she had to pay.

50. I’ll get someone to iron the linen.
- I’ll get my linen ironed.

51. They say she is getting divorced.
- She is said to be getting divorced.

52. It was silly of them not to do their homework.
- They should have done their homework.

53. “Why don’t you get your TV set mended”, said Frank.
- Frank suggested that we would get our TV set mended.

54. Don’t cry over spilt milk.
- It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

55. “Don’t worry if I don’t return after midnight.” he told his father.
- He told his father not to worry if he didn’t return after midnight.

56. I often have to write long essays.
- I don’t mind writing long essays.

57. I have never worked to hard in my life,
- Never had I worked so hard in my life.

58. I will throw a party on Saturday only if my mum agrees.
- Only if my mum agrees, will I throw a party on Saturday.

59. She tries hard but she can’t learn how to drive a car.
- No matter how hard she tries, she can’t learn to drive a car.

60. If I were you I would accept their offer – said John.
- John advised me to accept their offer.

61. They expect that the new legislation will come into effect soon.
- The new legislation is expected to come into soon.

duż otego.

1. He had just recovered from pneumonia when he went down with flu.
- No sooner had he just recovered from pneumonia, then he went down with flu.
JUST ustawia odniesienie czasowe tak jak NO SOONER. Wyrzuć JUST
3. The woman over there is a doctor. I can’t recall her name.
- The woman over there who’s name I can’t recall, is a doctor.
i usun przecinek

5. Martha didn’t drink up her milk. Pete didn’t either.
- Neither Martha not Pete drink up their milk.

z pierwszych 10 reszta ok.


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