Rozprawka-proszę o sprawdzenie

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Coraz mniej młodych ludzi decyduje się na zawarcie małżeństwa przed trzydziestym rokiem życia. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą wady i zalety zakładania rodziny w późniejszym wieku.

Less and less young people decide to start a family before the age of thirty. It is a modern lifestyle, more and more popular on the world. What is the advantages and disadvantages of starting family at a later age?

The main benefit, of course, is that people who did not get married before the age of thirty have bigger possibilities to develop their career because they have not obligations associated with family. They are also more sure that character of their partner is suitable for them because they spent a lot of time with their beloved person. The good point is that people who have more than thirty years are wealthier than younger humans because they have a better job, therefore they can organize costly wedding.

On the other hand, child of people who have more than thirty years is more exposed on various diseases than kid of younger parents. The second disadvantage is that age gap between parents and child causes that parents are not forgiving enough for their kid. The bad point is that parents and child will spend less time together.

In conclusion, it seems that starting a family after the age of thirty has as many benefits as drawbacks. In my opinion it is worth starting a family after age thirty because spouses have more money which allow them support their family.

Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie pod względem matury tzn. ile dostałbym punktów na 18 możliwych oraz wskazanie konkretnych błędów
It is a modern lifestyle, more and more popular 'on' (popraw-zle slowo) the world. What 'is' (ale tutaj przeciez mowisz o 2 rzeczach - ARE) the advantages and disadvantages of starting (brak przedimka) family at a later age?

The main benefit, of course, is that people who did not get married before the age of thirty have 'bigger' (better) possibilities to develop their career because they have not (tu brakuje slowo)obligations associated with (brak przedimka) family. They are also more sure that (brak przedimka) character of their partner is suitable for them because they spent a lot of time with their beloved person. The good point is that people who 'have' (od kiedy tak mowimy? popraw) more than thirty years are wealthier than younger 'humans' (poszukaj inne slowo, tak nie mowimy) because they have a better job, therefore they can organize ( brak przedimka) costly wedding.
On the other hand, (brak przedimka) child of people who 'have' (prxzestan, to sama powinnas wiedziec - nie rob takich bledow wiecej) more than thirty years is more exposed 'on' (zle slowo-popraw) various diseases than (brak przedimka) 'kid' CHILD) of younger parents. The second disadvantage is that (brak przedimka) age gap between (brak przedimka) parents and (brak przedimka) child 'causes' (zle slowo-popraw) that parents are not forgiving enough 'for' (zle slowo) their 'kid' (child). The bad point is that (brak przedimka) parents and (brak przedimka) child will spend less time together.
In my opinion it is worth starting a family after (brak przedimka) age thirty because spouses have more money which allow them (brak slowa) support their family.

Thanks a lot


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie