Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc. Wiem, że zadanie nie jest jakieś wspaniałe, ale starałem się.

A dress code is a very major in our live. Our clothing demonstrates about us. We mustn’t consider a dress code as the most important thing. We pay attention to character.
Whether you like it or not, your clothes will be assess. We mustn’t blame somebody for this, because we do the same. When we meet someone for the first time, first we draw attention to his appearance. Then we made the first opinion of this person. We know that it is neat or messy, what is his style. We can learn to which the subculture belong this person. Sometimes the clothes reflect personality. However, often it has nothing to do with the nature of the person. Usually about his dress code decide a financial difficulties. If we pay attention only to clothing, we will miss interesting acquaintance.
Remember! You can't tell a book by its cover. You don’t tell to clothing, but the person who wears them.
A dress code is a very major in our 'live' (daj tutaj rzeczownik a nie czasownik). Our clothing demonstrates (ale co?) about us.
We (tu brakuje modala) pay attention to (brak przedimka) character.
Whether you like it or not, your clothes will be 'assess' (tu czas przeszly).
When we meet someone for the first time, first we draw attention to 'his' THEIR appearance. Then we 'made' (czas teraz) the first opinion 'of' ABOUT this person. We know that it is EITHER neat or messy AND what is his style. We can learn to which 'the' (niepotr) subculture 'belong this person' (zla kol slow i pamietaj 3os.l.poj). Sometimes the clothes reflect (brak przedimka) personality. Usually 'about his dress code decide' (nie, napisz to inaczej ..their dress code is ...) BY 'a' (niepotr) financial difficulties. If we pay attention only to (brak przedimka) clothing, we will miss (brak przedimka) interesting acquaintance.
You 'don’t' (napisz tu SHOULDN'T 'tell' (napisz inaczej...decide) 'to' BY clothing, but the person who wears them.


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