Rozprawka o zakładaniu rodziny 1

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ten temat mnie zwalił z nóg-_-

Matura 2006
Temat: Coraz mniej młodych ludzi decyduje się na zawarcie małżeństwa przed 30 rokiem życia. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą wady i zalety zakładania rodziny.

Family is very important in our life. Having a family is a secret dream of person who feel lonely. In our world we are looking a tendency which young people do not have children. It maybe be have a positive for us, for example this situation has also advantages. It must be said that when we settled down, we don' t have some time for our development in job. What do you think about having a family in young age?
It is obvious that put the family has a positive impact on our life. We are becoming a person, who are reasonable, responsible for other membership of family. We may share our griefs with husband and children. It is amazing, because you don' t alone. Parents often influence on children and give them a homely house. It is crucial from young people, where they are growing up.
On the other hand, having a family may be a serious problem. Children exact a careful and help every day. This situation deprive you in your job. You don' t concentrate on your responsiblilities in work. Secondly, your personal development may be limit. When you have a family you should spent time together. You do not have enough time for your hobbies and passions.
All things considered, it can seem that is not to easy to find a perfect solution concerning having a family. It may be a fanastic, because we are not alone in life. But it have got a destructive impact on our hobbies and personal development. It is very crucial issue and it depends on our point of view.
Having a family is a secret dream of (przedimek A) person who feelS lonely. In our world we are looking AT a tendency 'which' WHERE (gdzie) young people do not have children EARLY. It maybe 'be have' (niepotr) a positive SIGN for us, for example this situation has also SOME advantages. It must be said that when we 'settled' SETTLE (czas teraz.) down, we don' t have 'some' (napisz ENOUGH) time for our development in (przedimek A) job. What do you think about having a family 'in' AT A young age?
It is obvious that 'put' HAVING 'the' A family has a positive impact on our life. We are becoming a person, who 'are' IS (bo person to l. poj) reasonable, responsible for other 'membership' MEMBERS of A family. We may share our griefs (dodaj 'and happiness') with A husband and children. It is amazing, because you don' t FEEL alone. Parents often influence 'on' THEIR children and give them a homely 'house' (napisz inaczej...ENVIRONMENT). It is crucial 'from' FOR-dla) young people, 'where' (napisz WHEN) (chociaz wiem, ze cvhcialas napisac 'gdzie'-ale wtedy zdanie musi byc calkowicie inaczej) they are growing up.
Children 'exact a' (moze DEMAND 'careful' CARE and help every day. This situation depriveS you in your job.
Secondly, your personal development may be limitED. When you have a family you should spent (SPEND-czas teraz) time together.
All things considered, it can 'seem' APPEAR that is not to easy to find a perfect solution concerning having a family. It may be 'a' (niepotr) fanastic, because we are not alone in life. But it 'have' HAS (it has) got a destructive impact on our hobbies and personal development. It is A very crucial issue and it depends on our point of view.

Dobrze, tylko zadanie polegalo na tym DLACZEGO ludzie zwlekaja z zawarciem malzenstwa przed 30tka...i trzeba napisac ze wtedy maja male szanse na bycia independent od rodzicow, bo dopiero co zaczeli prace, jak i kupowanie swojaego mieszkania.
Chociaz jak jeszcze raz przeczytalam to zadanie, to mnie sie wydaje, ze jest troche mylne, bo z jednej strony mowia ze 'nie' przed 30tka, a pozniej ogolnie o dzieciach...
no właśnie, dlatego mnie to rozwaliło. mało konkretne napisane, jak na temat maturalny. rozumiem, plusy i minusy bycia dzieckiem sławnych rodziców. konkretnie. to może ograniczmy się do tego plusy i minusy zakładania rodziny. tak jak jest w drugiej części i jak ja zrozumiałam.
edytowany przez discordia: 25 kwi 2011
lecę poprawiać, a dzisiaj wygrzebałam kilka nowych dziwnych tematów^^


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