Pomocniku pomocy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy trzeba zakazac reklam na ulicach?

Advertisements on the polish streets are widespread phenomenon . There are surely profit for owners of buildings or billboards but they can often disturbing order of the city. Is it a great chance to earn some extra money or huge problem of our cities?
Firstly money from adverbs placed near streets or buildings can be spent on upgrading those structures. It makes them cheaper to exploitation . If each object had had such source of profits It would have been able to improve itself slowly.

Although they can be also a factor which disturbing outlook of the place . It is common that adverts of for example soap often covers beautiful buildings in the old town . In that way many marvelous places in Poland are hidden .

What is more bills which are placed near roads can distract drivers . All adverts are made so that catch sb eye . It works also on someone who is leading a car . That short moments of looking at ads can easily turns into very dangerous accident.

To sum up , adverbs can be very useful in collecting founds for improves or repairs. On the other hand they can effects badly on the surroundings. They shouldn’t cover any buildings or sculptures worth seeing . Also they oughtn’t to be placed in areas where people must be concentrate on driving or other activities .

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