Hi Marry. Czyli list na lekcję angielskiego.

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Hi Marry,

Sorry for not writing earlier but I was very busy.

I’m writing to thank you for letting me stay with you in April.
It was a really great time. The weather wasn’t good but ambience was fantastic.
I think my English and German got better.

It was very nice played with you and your band. I met a lot of amazing people.
Your friends are incredible ! I’ll never forget them and many wonderful places.

For the last two weeks I was very busy. I had a lot of exams in my school. I have got end of the year, so I must improve my marks and I’m going to Italy with my friend and tho other classes. However I had time to see your concert on Tv. It was amazing, seriously.
I’m sorry that your band lost. You will win next time !

But that is all for now. Thank again for everything.
Don’t forget my invitation to Berlin. My family will be with me. I’ll come in May/June.
The weather maybe good.

Give my love to your band

Best wishes


Bardzo bym prosił o sparwdzenie błędów. Potrzebowałbym to na środę(18.05) tak do godziny 10. Bardzo, ale to bardzo proszę o zapoznanie się z tym listem ! :>
Cytat: Maciek9421

Sorry for not writing earlier but I was PRESENT PERFECT very busy.

I’m writing to thank you for letting me stay with you in April.
It was a really great time. The weather wasn’t good but ambience CZYLI CO? was fantastic.
I think my English and German got better.

It was very nice played <-BEZOKOLICZNIK with you and your band. I met a lot of amazing people.
Your friends are incredible ! I’ll never forget them and ALL THOSE wonderful places.

For the last two weeks I was PRESENT PERFECT very busy. I PRESENT PERFECT had a lot of exams in my school. THE end of the SCHOOL year IS COMING, so I must improve my marks and I’m going to Italy with my friend and tho other classes Z KOLEGA I INNYMI KLASAMI?. However I FOUND THE time to see your concert on Tv. It was amazing, seriously.
I’m sorry that your band lost. You will win next time !

I GUESS that is all for now. Thank again for everything.
Don’t forget my invitation to Berlin. My family will be with me. I’ll come in May/June.
The weather maybe=BYĆ MOŻE good.

Give my love to your band

Best wishes

>>It was very nice played <-BEZOKOLICZNIK

Mg, dlaczego tu bezokolicznik ?
na pewno nie past partic
no pewnie ze nie tylko gerund mysle
może być, ale inf też
moze i tak ale gerund moze byc bardziej 'porzadany' moim zdaniem
kiedys tez tak myslalem:
it is nice to meet you
it was nice talking to you
ale zdaje sie, ze inf sie rozpanoszyl.
mozliwe, ale gerund ma tez konotacje of previous experience stad moje nastawienie w tym zdaniu do ing form
o tym pisałem: WAS
I thought about this a little bit.
My natural inclination is to follow "it was very nice" with the infinitive. Perhaps because the phrase "it was very nice to meet you" is so ingrained and so automatic.
However, if the sentence was structure differently:
It was fun...(I would choose to use the gerund "playing" ) with you and your band.

You're biased anyway :)

Yes, that's the 'natural inclination' to pick the infinitive with 'it's very nice' phrase but in this context I just feel it the samy way. Does that make me 'biased' too ? :)
You're good ?
I like what you wrote :-)
But your counterexample is a little tenuous, I'm afraid: try 'I thoroughly enjoyed...'. And now try "It was a pleasure..."
There are countless examples of phrases requiring ger OR inf.
That's true , they're numerous. It's like a 'knee-jerk reaction' to choose the infinitive with certain phrases, isn't ? They become a kind of 'institutionalized' constructions.
Don't think so.

In this particular "register" it would be fine. It was fun jamming with your band. It was fun hanging out with your band. itd

Would I use this construction in a formal letter? Of course not.
In this context, "I thoroughly enjoyed ..." sounds too formal, stilted, unless of course the letter will be opened by the recipient's parents.
Been busy of late.
Moved to a different floor at work.
Same sized office, only located on a lower floor.
Bit of an administrative nightmare...all my technology connections are finally working and I am unpacked.
Weather continues to be hideous.
Remind me NEVER to move to the UK.
We're experiencing our 4th day of rain. The "high" for today and yesterday was 9 degrees.
Leaves on trees still haven't completely unfurled, probably too traumatized.
Have to cut this short...need to deliver oldest boy to a jersey fitting
Take care , thanks for the 'update'.
UK weather; teadrinkers are always up to something about this:) no offense
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