Recenzja filmu sc-fi, którego przesłanie jest według nas ważnym ostrzeżeniem

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Napisz recenzję filmu science fiction, którego przesłanie jest według ciebie ważnym ostrzeżeniem

Gattaca is 1997 science fiction movie written and directed by Andrew Niccol, who also wrote Lord of War , The Thruman Show and S1m0n. Many of his films view societal or political issues through a fantasy-since ficion lens.Title became form the abbrev of DNA bases (guanine, adenine, thymine and cytosine).Gattaca gain from NASA a distinction of being the most accurate movie about future from science viewpoint.
The action takes place in the „not-too-distant future”.The main characters: Vincent (Ethan Hawke) and Irene (Uma Turman) are living in the world where DNA plays the primary roles in determining social classes.Potencial children are selected through genetic diagnosis to ensure they will be the best in any way.Those created people are called „vailds” while those born in natural way are know as „in-valids”.Vailds are preferential while those from second group cannot be a civil servants or get a good work places because instead CV employers makes blood test. The director guides us through Vincents way to achives his target. Because of being „in-vaild” his life is full of a hardships and a trials, but he never forget about his dream.
This outstanding movie offers a community under a rules of liberal eugenics. It worns people against pursuit to create perfect beings. Morover it show us that there is a thin line between control of human nature and control of human life/being (co powinnam dać?). Apart from the social issue, Gattaca tells the story which learn us how to realize our dreams. Moreover , despite the plot, film is beautiful because of unique shots and moving musics .Sławomir Idziak (cinemaphotographer) tailor colouring and landscapes to characters life situations and emotions. (czy to brzmi zrozumiale? ). The main musician theme in soundtract – called „departure”- bring viewers to tears.
I sincerely recommend this movie to everyone, irrespectve of liking/likes (jak napisac „upodobania”?). It give us insight into the future and remind us about our lifes target (czy to poprawny zwrot?)

Najtrudniejsza dla mnie forma wypowiedzi pisemnej... bardzo dziękuję za poprawenie moich wypocin.
Gattaca is 1997 science fiction movie written and directed by Andrew Niccol, who also wrote Lord of War , The Thruman Show and S1m0n. Many of his films view societal or political issues through a fantasy-since' ficion'(ortog) lens.(przedimek) title became 'form the abbrev' (co to?) of DNA bases (guanine, adenine, thymine and cytosine).Gattaca 'gain' (zly czas) from NASA a distinction of being the most accurate movie about (przedimek) future from (przedimek) science viewpoint.
The action takes place in the „not-too-distant future”.The main characters: Vincent (Ethan Hawke) and Irene (Uma Turman) are living in the world where DNA plays the primary 'roles' (ale 'DNA" to l. poj) in determining social classes.Potencial children are selected through genetic diagnosis to ensure they will be the best in 'any' (zle slowo) way.
Vailds are preferential while those from second group cannot be 'a' (niepotr) civil servants or get a good work places because instead (tu cos brak) CV employers 'makes' (tu l. mn) blood testS. The director guides us through Vincents way 'to achives his target' (popraw). Because of being „in-vaild” his life is full of 'a' (niepotrr) hardships and 'a' (niepotr) trials, but he never forgetS about his dream.
It 'worns' (ortog) people against (przedimek) pursuit to create perfect beings. Morover it 'show' (it to 3os.l.poj) us that there is a thin line between (przedimek) control of human nature and control of human life. Apart from the social issue, Gattaca tells the story which 'learn us' (NIE, we learn because somebody/so,ething teaches us) how to realize our dreams. Moreover , despite the plot, (przedimek) film is beautiful because of unique shots and moving 'musics' (popraw) .Sławomir Idziak (cinemaphotographer) tailorED 'colouring' (popraw) and landscapes to characters life situations and emotions. The main 'musician' MUSICAL theme in (przedimek) soundtract – called „departure”- bringS viewers to tears.
I sincerely recommend this movie to everyone, irrespectve of liking (ale liking CO?). It 'give' (it to 3os.l.poj) us (przedimek) insight into the future and remindS us about our life targetS

Gattaca is 1997 science fiction movie written and directed by Andrew Niccol, who also wrote Lord of War , The Thruman Show and S1m0n. Many of his films view societal or political issues through a fantasy-since fiction lens.The title (gattaca) became form the abbrevation of DNA bases (guanine, adenine, thymine and cytosine).Gattaca gained from NASA a distinction of being the most accurate movie about a future from science viewpoint.
The action takes place in the „not-too-distant future”.The main characters: Vincent (Ethan Hawke) and Irene (Uma Turman) are living in the world where DNA plays the primary role in determining social classes.Potencial children are selected through genetic diagnosis to ensure they will be the best in every way.Those created people are called „vailds” while those born in natural way are know as „in-valids”.Vailds are preferential while those from second group cannot be civil servants or get a good work places because instead reads CV employers makes blood tests. The director guides us through Vincents way to achieves his target (dobrze poprawione, czy powinnam dać achieved z końcówka -ed jako dokonanego... bo nie wiem). Because of being „in-vaild” his life is full of hardships and trials, but he never forgets about his dream.
This outstanding movie offers a community under a rules of liberal eugenics. It warns people against a pursuit to create perfect beings. What is more it shows us that there is a thin line between a control of human nature and control of human life. Apart from the social issue, Gattaca tells the story which teaches us how to realize our dreams. Moreover , despite the plot, a film is beautiful because of unique shots and soundtrack .Sławomir Idziak (cinemaphotographer) tailored colouring (Jak powinnam poprawić, wg słownika to to słowo o które mi chodzi )and landscapes to characters life situations and emotions. The main musical theme in a soundtract – called „departure”- brings viewers to tears.
I sincerely recommend this movie to everyone, irrespectve of liking ( według tego słownika to oznacza upodobania, ale chyba bezpieczniej będzie użyć „fondness” , ale nie znałam takiego słowa) . It gives us an insight into the future and reminds us about our lifes target.

Dziekuję za pomoc, mam nadzieje, ze dobrze poprawilam.
"ze dobrze poprawilam"
powaznie? nawet nie potrafisz sciagac poprawnie: Thruman Show; Many of his films view societal or political issues through a fantasy-since' ficion'(ortog) lens

mamy uwierzyc, ze to ty pisalas?
Teachers know how to use google.
Drogi siuniab.
Nie musicie wierzyć , ze to pisałam, bo jeszcze niczyja wiara mi nie pomogła w nauce.
Szkołe skończyłam dwa lata temu i ucze sie teraz do matury, którą chciałabym rozszerzyć.
Dziękuję za poprawki.
Jeszcze jedno: czemu robisz cudzysłowy przecinkami i apostrofami? Po to jest jeden klawisz odpowiedzialny za cudzysłów, żeby go używac (zwłaszcza w angielskim).
Piszę wypracowania w Open Office i używając klawisza " automatycznie zmienia mi pierwszy znak w cudzysłów dolny.
Jeszcze jedno: czemu pakk przez dwa k?
I jeszcze jendno! Dlaczego tło jest zielone?

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