Dosłownie kila zdań - srawdzi ktoś? ;p

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłby ktoś sprawdzić czy napisałam to poprawnie gramatycznie??? Byłabym wdzieczna :*

Oto tekst:

Hi! I didn' replay straightaway and I clean forgot! Sorry!

By the way, sorry for my english, but since a few last months(/czy for a few last months???) I don't go to the school and I forgot a lot.
Recently (a few months ago) I've finished High School and I have gap year. Next year I would like to go to the University, but now I'm looking for a job ( without success -.-') What else... For 3 weeks I have drive exam, but proably I'll fail :P

And you? What's up? :)

prooooszę proooooooszę proooszę :(:(:(
I 'didn' ' (ortog) 'replay' (zle slowo, to znaczy 'powtorka, powtorz) straight away and I clean forgot! !

By the way, sorry for my english, but for 'a' (zly przedimek) few last months I 'don't' HAVEN'T 'go' BEEN GOING to the school and I forgot a lot.
Recently, I've finished High School and I have (przedimek) gap year. Next year I would like to go to 'the' (wg mnie 'a') University, but now I'm looking for a job ( without success -.-')
'For 3 weeks' (dla 3 tygodni) I have (przedimek) drivING 'exam,' TEST but 'proably' (ortog) I'll fail :P

And you? 'What's up?' (tak sie nie pisze na koncu listu)

'greetings' (poszukaj cos innego)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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