Sprawdzenie pytań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam za zadanie ułożyć w odpowiedniej kolejności poniższe wyrazy, tak aby powstały prawidłowe pytania. Nie wiem zabardzo w tym 4. Proszę o sprawdzenie

1. this/often/use/how/does/office/he? How often does he use this office?
2. from/does/he/come/where? where does he come from?
3. long/are/here/staying/how/you? How long you are staying here?
4. see/you/here/while/want/do/to/you’re/who?
5. open/did/it/when? When did open it?
6. do/receive/calls/a day/how/you/many? How many do you calls receive a day?
7. you/do/which/visit/countries? Which do you countries visit?
8. about/much/you/market/know/the/how/Polish/do? How much do you know about the Polish market?

4 'kogo chcesz zobaczyc, kiedy tutaj jestes'
w 5 brakuje podmiotu, open=otworzyc sie
6 calls to nie jest czasownik tylko 'telefony'
7 podobnie jak 6 countries jest w zlym miejscu
6. How many do you receive calls a day?
7. Which do you visit countries?

Co do 4 pytania
- This is our HR Manager, Carla Brookes. Carla, this is Robert Sielicki. He’s interested in doing some marketing work for us in Poland.
- Ah, that’s good news. Nice to meet you. How long you are staying here?
-Just two days – today and tomorrow.
- And see/you/here/while/want/do/to/you’re/who? _____________________________
-Well, one or two people in Sales and Marketing. But I’d also like to see you later, if possible. I’m very interested in the training programmes you have.

how many calls
which countries

4. dzialaj!
Who want do you while to see you're here?
who do you want to see while you're here
#3 zla kolejnosc.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.