Opis sytuacji z przeszłości- prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I had been going to the university by tram for 3 years. I never complain for this.
One afternoon when I had finished lesson I went to tram stop just on time to catch tram. When I had been inside I saw that only one seat is free. I sat there. Ten minutes after most people were get off the tram. The tram was completely empty.
At the fourth stops old woman got to the tram. “You sat on my places” – she shouted to my. I answered “Why is it your places? Mrs” and she answered “Because I like this seat and you should changed places!” I was shocked “Mrs is you serious? “ I asked. “Yes of course!” she shouted. When I changed seat I saw smile on her face. I will remember this stranger situation for all my life.