Rozprawka: Internet chatrooms do not serve a useful purpose.

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Internet chatrooms do not serve a useful purpose.
It is often believed that the Internet chatrooms do not serve a useful purpose. Nowadays, almost everybody has the Internet access. There is a lot of Internet cafes and points, where you can use the Internet for free. People, especially the young one, spent a lot of time surfing the internet. The most popular among the teenagers but also among adults are social networking websites and chatrooms.
There is a lot of advantages of the Internet chatrooms. Firstly, we can get to know new people and we can talk with them, even if they are living on the other city, country or continent. What is more, we can talk with people who have similar hobbies, listen the same genre of music or are fans of “Lord of the Ring” and exchange observations or curiosities. Next, the chatrooms are good way to develop oneself and discuss with strange people on the important topics.
On the other hand, chatrooms and community portals can be also dangerous. We don’t know with who we are talking- it is easy to cheat somebody or be cheated. Furthermore when we spend a lot of time in the chatrooms, we do not have time
to socialize in the real world.
To sum up, I want to say that I believe that Internet chatrooms are good and useful, but only if we use it reasonably. Also, parents should control what their children write and with who they write on the chatrooms to protect them from danger.

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It is often believed that 'the' (niepotr) Internet chatrooms do not serve a useful purpose. Nowadays, 'almost everybody' (to nie jest porawda - mozesz napisac...the majority of young people) has 'the' (tutaj AN) Internet access. There 'is' (ale to ma sie laczyc z 'a lot' - a 'a lot' to wiecej jak jedna) a lot of Internet cafes and points, where you can use the Internet for free. People, especially the young 'one' (niepotr), 'spent' SPEND 'a lot of' (napisz cos innego, nie uzywaj tego 'a lot of...cos ladniejszego) time surfing the internet.
There 'is' (ale to 'is' ma sie laczyc z l. mnoga-advantages popraw) a lot of advantages of 'the' (niepotr) Internet chatrooms. Firstly, we can get to know new people and we can talk with them, even if they are living 'on the' IN ANother city, country or continent. What is more, we can talk with people who have similar hobbies, listen (brak cos) the same genre of music or are fans of “Lord of the RingS” and exchange observations or curiosities. Next, the chatrooms are (cos brak) good way OF 'to' (niepotr) developING oneself and discussING (daj tutaj to 'important topics) with 'strange' (zle slowo) people 'on the important topics' (niepotr).
On the other hand, chatrooms and community portals can 'be also' (zla kol slow) dangerous. We don’t know with whoM we are talking- it is easy to cheat somebody or be cheated.

To sum up, I 'want to say that I believe' (lepiej 'consider;') that Internet chatrooms are good and useful, but only if we use 'it' (ale to odnosi sie do 'chatroomS-l. mn-popraw) reasonably. Also, parents should control what their children write and with whoM they 'write' (napisz 'correspond') on the chatrooms to protect them from danger.

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