List z prośbą o informację - prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam wszystkich serdecznie,

prosiłbym o sprawdzenie mojego listu.
Chcesz kupić dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Znajdujesz w gazecie ogłoszenie prezentujące nieruchomość, która cię interesuje. Napisz list do agencji która je zamieściła:

1. Określ jaki rodzaj domu/mieszkania chcesz kupić i powołaj się na ogłoszenie
2. Zapytaj o odległość od środków komunikacji miejskiej i sklepów.
3. Zapytaj o co najmniej dwa interesujące cię elementy wyposażenia domu.
4. Zapytaj o możliwość uprawiania sportów i dostęp do rozrywek kulturalnych w okolicy.

I mój list:

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing in connection with your advertisement contained on the property pages of The Guardian on September 15. I am planning to buy a detached house located in suburbs and that is the reason I found this offer interesting.

I do not have any vehicle so it is very important to me to live near a bus stop. Thereupon I would like to know how far the nearest bus stop is. I like shopping, but as I mentioned – I have no car, so I am wondering whether any shopping males are there.

I would like to furnish the house on my way, so I would like to know if there are any. I love sitting outside during sunny days. Would you mind telling me how big is the garden?

I would not like to spend all days at home. Are there any sports facilities nearby? I would also like to ask whether any cinemas are there.
I look forward to your answer.
Yours faithfully,
I am writing in connection with your advertisement contained 'on' IN the property pages of The Guardian on September 15. I am planning to buy a detached house located in THE suburbs and that is the reason I found this offer interesting.

'Thereupon' (to jest zle slowo tutaj, nie pasuje do reszty listu) I would like to know how far the nearest bus stop is. I like shopping, but as I mentioned – I have no car, so I am wondering whether any shopping 'males' (napewno, ale tutaj chyba cos innego) are there.

I would like to furnish the house 'on my way' (nie, tutaj najlepiej my taste), so I would like to know 'if there are any' (ale czego? zapomniales dodac).
Would you mind telling me how big 'is the' (zla kol slow - THE garden IS?

I would 'not like' PREFER NOT to spend 'all days' MY FREE TIME at home.
'I would also like to ask whether any cinemas are there' (daj to inaczej...Could you also let me know if...).
dziękuję bardzo za fachową pomoc ;)



