sprawdzenie pracy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
cześć! Chciałbym Was prosić o sprawdzenie pracy.
Temat brzmi: Opisz zaniedbane miejsce, które ze względu na swoją lokalizację i ciekawą historię mogło by stać się atrakcyjne turystycznie.

In my hometown there is a lovely and interesting building. It’s rather old, bare and neglected house. It looks really dingy and it seems to be forgotten by city inhabitants. It gives the impression of being dilapidated. It’s truly strange because of the fact that it is located near the market.

The building looks like the tenements. It has fascinating bay windows, great gate and beautifully decorated walls. Behind the building there is mysterious garden with old oaks.
This place has magic atmosphere not only because of its appearance but also because of its history. Hardly no one knows, that in 19 th. century lived there one of the greatest polish poets – Adam Mickiewicz. It’s believed that he wrote “Pan Tadeusz” sitting in front of fireplace which is located in one of buildings rooms. Others thought that in this house Mickiewicz wrote probably his best poem cold “Oda do młodości”. But these are only interesting legends. No one knows the truth.

In my opinion local authorities should do up this house and made it for example museum or coffee-house. Or even both of this. I’m sure, that it would be one of the most visited place in the city. The prospect of sitting in a Mickiewiczs armchair or looking at his fireplace is very tempting. I don’t know anyone who would be able to resist it.
bardzo bym prosił o sprawdzenie pracy jeszcze dzisiaj :)
Cytat: TDD3
In my hometown there is a lovely and interesting building. It’s PRZEDIMEK ALBO USUN RZECZOWNIK NA KONCU rather old, bare and neglected house. It looks really dingy and it seems to be forgotten by THE city DOPELNIACZ SAKSONSKI inhabitants. It gives the impression of being dilapidated. THAT IS (ODNOSISZ SIE DO CALEGO POPRZEDNIEGO ZDANIA, A NIE DO JEDNEGO WYRAZU) truly strange because [of the fact that] USUN it is located near the market.

The building looks like the tenements NIEJASNE. It has fascinating bay windows, PRZEDIMEK great gate and beautifully decorated walls. Behind the building there is PRZEDIMEK mysterious garden with old oaks.
This place has PRZEDIMEK magicAL atmosphere not only because of its appearance but also because of its history. Hardly ANYone knows, BEZ PRZECINKA that in 19 th. century ZUPELNIE ZLY SZYK. MA SIE ZACZYNAC OD PODMIOTU lived there one of the greatest polish poets – Adam Mickiewicz. It’s believed that he wrote “Pan Tadeusz” sitting in front of RZEDIMNEK fireplace which is located in one of buildings APOSTROFU BRAKUJE rooms. Others thought W PRZESZLOSCI UWAZALI? that in this house Mickiewicz wrote probably his best poem cold=ZIMNY “Oda do młodości” PRZETLUMACZ TYTUL NA ANGIELSKI, CZEMU NIE. But these are only interesting legends. No one knows the truth.

In my opinion THE local authorities should do up this house and made TO NIE JEST BEZOKOLICZNIK it for example PRZEDIMEK museum or PRZEDIMEK coffee-house. Or even both [of this] USUN. I’m sure, USUN PRZECINEK that it would be one of the most visited place JEDEN Z NAJBARDZIEJ ODWIEDZANEGO MIEJSCA in the city. The prospect of sitting in a<-USUN, TO JEST PRZED NAZWISKIEM Mickiewiczs ZNOWU PROBLEM Z APOSTROFEM armchair or looking at his fireplace is very tempting. I don’t know anyone who would be able to resist it.

dziękuję bardzo! :)
ja z innej beczki, nie żeby było źle, ale bardziej by pasowało:
city residents, zamiast 'city inhabitants'
"do up [renovate] this house and made it [turn it into] for example museum
tak, kolokwializmy trzeba poprawiac
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie