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Witam. Jeśli mógłby ktoś sprawdzić napisany przeze mnie 'referat,dot. ładowarek, byłbym niezmiernie dźwięczny..

In my presentation I would like to tell (you?) about device, which is battery charger.

Battery charger- a device used to make electricity to the electric battery by forcing electric current through the battery in the opposite direction to the SEM battery. Mileage and charging parameters depends on the type of battery, its capacity and performance. Loading conditions are specified by the manufacturer indicating the maximum battery charging current, the maximal electric charge or current and charge time, and sometimes other conditions, such as the maximum voltage, temperature. Therefore, manufacturers of chargers determines what types of the batteries can be charged by particular charger .
Types of battery chargers:
It's basically a non-stabilized or stabilized DC (Direct Current) power supply. A simple charger works by connecting current source with voltage greater than the electromotive force of the battery to rechargeable battery, charger's resistance limits the charging current. In that chargers, the cell is charging by current at a value dependent on the characteristics of the battery charging voltage and charger's resistance. The simple design makes the charger is cheap. These chargers require interruption of the charging process after a certain time, leave the battery for a long time causes overcharging of the battery and may damage. Therefore, these chargers are so selected values of the charging current to minimize the risk of overloading. For this reason, charging to the full charge by simple charger, takes longer, that chargers with changing in time characteristic charging current.
The time limitation
An improved version of simple chargers are chargers with limited time. They have a system which measures the load time (the timer), and interrupts the charging after this time.
The maximum battery charging current depends on the state of charge. "Intelligent" charger monitors the voltage, temperature and charging time. Based on these parameters, determines the optimal charging current at the moment. Charging is over, when the based on voltage, temperature and charging time, the system concludes that the battery is fully charged.
Uses the battery control circuit in the process of charging for rapid charging without damaging the internal components. Most of these chargers have installed the cooling fan, to keep the temperature of rechargeable batteries under control.
The USB port provides the ability to power supplying devices, connected by voltage about 5V. This possibility is also used to power supply devices, that do not use the USB port, but connected to the computer only for their power supply, including battery chargers.

I hope that my presentation outlined the way of action in a quick and comprehensive way. Thank you for listening and have a nice day.
edytowany przez miryn: 04 cze 2012
In my presentation I would like to tell (you?- to jest potrzebne) about (przedimek) device, which is battery charger.

Battery charger- a device used to make electricity to the electric battery by forcing electric current through the battery in the 'opposite direction' (tego nie rozumiem,) to the SEM battery. Mileage and charging parameters ('depends' tutaj masz 2 rzeczowniki - DEPEND) on the type of battery, its capacity and performance. Loading conditions are specified by the manufacturer indicating the maximum battery charging current, the maximal electric charge or current and charge time, and sometimes other conditions, such as the maximum voltage AND temperature. Therefore, manufacturers of chargers 'determines' (znowu to samo - tutaj DETERMINE) what types of 'the' (niepotr) batteries can be charged by (brak przedimka) particular charger .

A simple charger works by connecting current source with voltage greater than the electromotive force of the battery 'to rechargeable battery, charger's resistance limits the charging current' (tego nie rozumiem) .
In 'that' THOSE chargers, the cell is BEING charging by (przedimek) current at a value dependent on the characteristics of the battery charging voltage and (przedimek) charger's resistance. The simple design makes the charger 'is' (calkowicie nie rozumiem dlaczego tu jest 'is') cheap. These chargers require interruption of the charging process after a certain time, leavING the battery for a long time causes overcharging of the battery and may damage (ale co? musisz napisac). Therefore, these chargers 'are so selected' (nie rozumiem tego) values of the charging current to minimize the risk of overloading. For this reason, charging to the full charge by (przedimek) simple charger(,) (niepotrzeba tutaj przecinka) takes longer, that THOSE chargers 'with changing in time characteristic charging current' (tego nie moge rozszyfrowac).

The maximum battery charging current depends on the state of (przedimek) charge. AN "Intelligent" charger monitors the voltage, temperature and charging time. Based on these parameters, (ale kto? co? musisz napisac) determines the optimal charging current at the moment. Charging is over, when 'the based on voltage, temperature and charging time' (napisz to inaczej...zla kol slow), the system concludes that the battery is fully charged.

(ale co? nie napisales) Uses the battery control circuit in the process of charging for rapid charging without damaging the internal components. Most of these chargers have' installed the cooling fan' (zla kol slow, 'a cooling fan installed), to keep the temperature of rechargeable batteries under control.

The USB port provides the ability to power supplying devices, connected by (przedimek) voltage OF 'about' (w powaznych tekstach piszemy 'approximately') 5V. This possibility is also used to power supply devices, that do not use the USB port, but (brakuje czasownika) connected to the computer only for their power supply, including battery chargers.

I hope that my presentation outlined the 'way of action' (tego nie rozumiem, bo tylko opisywales co i jak) in a quick and comprehensive way.

Musisz tez zapytac sie czy ktos ma jakies pytania....
Dzięki za poprawki. Jak teraz..?

In my presentation I would like to tell you about a device, which is battery charger.

Battery charger- a device used to make electricity to the electric battery by forcing electric current through the battery in the opposite direction to the SEM battery. Mileage and charging parameters depend on the type of battery, its capacity and performance. Loading conditions are specified by the manufacturer indicating the maximum battery charging current, the maximal electric charge or current and charge time, and sometimes other conditions, such as the maximum voltage and temperature. Therefore, manufacturers of chargers determine what types of batteries can be charged by a particular charger .
Types of battery chargers:
It's basically a non-stabilized or stabilized DC (Direct Current) power supply. A simple charger works by connecting current source with voltage greater than the electromotive force of the battery to rechargeable battery; resistance of the charger reduces the charging current. In those chargers, the cell is being charging by a current at a value dependent on the characteristics of the battery charging voltage and the charger's resistance. The simple design makes the charger cheap. These chargers require interruption of the charging process after a certain time, leaving the battery for a long time causes overcharging of the battery and may damage her. Therefore, these chargers have so selected values of the charging current to minimize the risk of overloading. For this reason, charging to the full charge by the simple charger takes longer, that those chargers with changing in time characteristic charging current.
The time limitation
An improved version of simple chargers are chargers with limited time. They have a system which measures the load time (the timer), and interrupts the charging after this time.
The maximum battery charging current depends on the state of the charge. An "Intelligent" charger monitors the voltage, temperature and charging time. Based on these parameters, determines the optimal charging current at the moment. Charging is over, when the system based on voltage, temperature and charging time, concludes that the battery is fully charged.
Uses the battery control circuit in the process of charging for rapid charging without damaging the internal components. Most of these chargers have a cooling fan installed, to keep the temperature of rechargeable batteries under control.
The USB port provides the ability to power supplying devices, connected by a voltage of 5V. This possibility is also used to power supply devices, that do not use the USB port, but is connected to the computer only for their power supply, including battery chargers.

I hope that my presentation outlined the way of chargers work? in a quick and comprehensive way. Thank you for listening and have a nice day.
edytowany przez miryn: 05 cze 2012
Battery charger nie "robi" prądu, jak napisales w pierwszym zdaniu. Sa lepsze definicje na necie. /Tylko sugestia/
the way chargers work
pakk- na pewno bez of między way i chargers?
work jest czasownikiem
po way mozna wstawic that, ale jak moze wiesz, mozna nie wstawiac
"In my presentation I would like to tell you about a device, which is battery charger."
nie podoba mi sie pierwsze zdanie....

You can:
tell me a story
tell me the time
tell me a secret

w formalniej prezentacji, lepiej uzyj:
brakuje przedimka
Based on these parameters, determines the optimal charging current at the moment.
Wciaz czegos brak w tym zdaniu, jak masz uwzglednione w pierwszej poprawce, i.e pronoun.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 05 cze 2012
Poprawione, nie będę wklejał ponownie bo to już chyba zbędne.. Wielkie dzięki wszystkim za pomoc!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.