zaproszenie sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawe

On the 10th of October 2012 our class will organise sport classes. There will be football, basketball and volleyball matches, racing, jumps and lots of fun activities. Please take your sport shoes with you, they're very comfortable and good in challenges. For the winners there will be prizes and surprises for rest of the competitors
czy moglibyście sprawdzić mi jedno zadanie? muszę wstawić: how, what, so lub such.
A:I had such a tiring day!
B:Why? What happend?
A: We had such a lot of work to do that we didn't have time for a break.
B:So, you havent eaten?
A:No, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
Będę wdzięczna za okazaną pomoc
class to zajęcia lekcyjne: a sports day może być?
co znaczy in challenges?
...prizes for the winners and surprises....
Jedna klasa organizuje te wszystkie zawody? Moze SCHOOL brzmialo by lepiej. I ja bym napisal BRING zamiast take "your sports shoes"


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