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Czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić tę rozprawkę i poprawić błędy?

The development of information technology and the Internet impact on education and its form. E-learning is becoming more popular among people. Currently you can complete a number of different types of course and even college on the internet. However it is effective form of learning?
Firstly, e-learning is a well solution for people who cannot exit from house. You do not have to go to a certain place at a certain time to take part in the lecture. An additional advantage of e-learning is studying at your own pace. You can devote more time to a particular issue also if you want a bit of speed, studying online gives you chance.
On the other hand, you need to have constant access to the internet. So a few days a network failure can be very cumbersome. Secondly, when you studying online you do not have got a contact with other students and you cannot met a new people also include a new friendship.
All things considered, there are a advantages and disadvantages to studying the internet. Some people the advantages of this form of learning can override of its shortcomings. Fortunately, it is not going to learn on the internet displaced the traditional school.
edytowany przez uczen006: 08 paź 2012
Currently you can complete a number of different types of courseS (bo masz types-l. mn) and even college on the internet. However 'it is' (tu masz zle, to ma byc pytanie...IS IT AN effective form of learning?
Firstly, e-learning is a 'well' GOOD (niw uzywamy 'well' tak) solution for people who cannot 'exit' (zle slowo...tutaj LEAVE) 'from' the house. at a certain time to take part in 'the' (TU DALABYM 'A') lecture.
You can devote more time to a particular issue and also if you want a 'bit of speed' (DAJ TO INACZEJ) , studying online gives you (COS TU BRAK) chance.
So a few days (TU COS BRAK) a network failure can be very cumbersome. Secondly, when you (COS TU BRAK) studying online you do not have 'got' (NIEPOTR) 'a' (NIEPOTR) contact with other students and you cannot 'met' (POPRAW) 'a' (NIEPOTR) new people 'also include a new friendship' (COS TU NIE TAK).
All things considered, there are 'a' (niepotr, bo pozniej masz l. mn) advantages and disadvantages to studying (cos tu brak) the internet. Some people (cos tu brak) 'the' (niepotr) advantages of this form of learning (cos tu brak) can override 'of' (niepotr) its shortcomings. Fortunately, 'it is not going to learn on the internet displaced the traditional school' (zdanie masz troche arse over tit...(napisz to inaczej...learning over the internet....)
Dziękuję za pomoc :)
'you cannot meet a new people also include a new friendship' - chodzi mi o to, że nie można spotykać ludzi a także zawierać nowych znajomości. Nie bardzo wiem, jak to potrawić.
I tak samo w tym zdaniu:
'So a few days (TU COS BRAK) a network failure can be very cumbersome' - Kilkudniowa awaria sieci może być bardzo kłopotliwa. Nie wiem, czego tam brakuje :(.
'you cannot meet a new people also include a new friendship' - chodzi mi o to, że nie można spotykać ludzi a także zawierać nowych znajomości. Nie bardzo wiem, jak to potrawić.
Wiem o co Ci chodzilo, ale tego nie napisales. cannot meet 'a' (po co to 'a' jak przeciez 'people' to l. mnoga...) AND 'include jest tutaj calkowicie zlym slowem...i nie pisz mi, ze tak bylo w tu nie pasuje...napisz START i nie 'a' bo przeciez masz 'frienships to jest l. mnoga. Nie dajemy przedimku 'a' przed l. mnoga...TO powinnienes juz wiedziec..

'So a few days OF a network failure can be very cumbersome' - Kilkudniowa awaria sieci może być bardzo kłopotliwa. Nie wiem, czego tam brakuje :( to Ci napisalam. OF...
>>>chodzi mi o to, że nie można spotykać ludzi a także zawierać nowych znajomości. Nie bardzo wiem, jak to potrawić.

You can't meet new people, nor/or make the acquaintance of them.

Cytat: grudziu
>>>chodzi mi o to, że nie można spotykać ludzi a także zawierać nowych znajomości. Nie bardzo wiem, jak to potrawić.

You can't meet new people, nor/or make the acquaintance of them.

terri, za formalnie?
You can't meet new people, nor/or make 'the acquaintance of them' (to jest zle).
...ja bym to dala inaczej. You can't meet.....nor make their acquaintance.

make somebody's acquaintance| make the acquaintance of somebody

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.