list, spr, żywienie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę. Gdyby nie napisała o jakimś elemencie (wyszczegolnionym), to proszę napiszcie!
Zad.) Uczestniczyłeś ostatnio w pogadance na temat zdrowego odżywiania się. W liście do znajomych ze Stanów Zjednoczonych napisz:
-o jakim aspekcie zdrowego odżywiania była pogadanka i kto ją prowadził,
-dlaczego wziąłeś w niej udział i kogo tam poznałeś,
-jakich porad i przestróg udzielała osoba prowadząca,
-co sądzisz o tych wskazówkach i czy masz zamiar którąś z nich zastosować.

Hi Adam and Sue,
Thanks for you letter. Sorry, I haven't written for so long, but I was busy.
An famous doctor - dietician Anna Kowal was leading that meeting. She was talking about healthly food, how to eat and what we all do wrong in our diets. I took a part in this meeting because I don't feel good in my body. I think I'm little bit too fat and I will change it. I met there a lot of people with the same problem, so now I'm not alone and we can do something with our bodies together. The doctor l told us, that we have to eat 5 little dishes for day. The most important is breakfast . We should drink a lot of water and do some sport (For example riding on a bike)I think that eating healthy and do a lot of sports is a good idea for me and I'm going to begin this from tomorrow.
That’s all for now.
Best wishes
prosze o poprawe
that meeting? jakie spotkanie? Oni wiedza, ze bylo takie spotkanie?
pisownia 'zdrowy'
took part
I don't feel fine about my body
przed little czegos brakuje
will change - 'zmienie' czy 'chce zmienic'?
do something about our bodies
doctor I?
bez przecinka przed that
5 small meals a day
eating to gerund, do to bezokolicznik, nie zgadzaja sie ze soba gramatycznie

Hi Adam and Sue,
Thanks for you letter. Sorry, I haven't written for so long, but I was busy.
An famous doctor - dietician Anna Kowal was leading a meeting. She was talking about health food, how to eat and what we all do wrong in our diets. I took part in this meeting because I don't feel fine about my body. I think I'm a little bit too fat and I will want to change it. I met there a lot of people with the same problem, so now I'm not alone and we do something about our bodies. The doctor told us, that we have to eat 5 small meals a day.The most important is breakfast . We should drink a lot of water and do some sport (For example cycling)I think that eating to gerund and do a lot of sports is a good idea for me and I'm going to begin this from tomorrow.
That’s all for now.
Best wishes
Myslalem ze sama sie polapiesz: AN FAMOUS .../???/
Slowo GERUND nie mialo byc w zdaniu, mysl troche.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 09 paź 2012
powinno tez byc : eating healthily (not eating healthy)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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