proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
How are you? Sorry I haven’t written for so long. Thank you for your last letter. I am very happy that you have already passed your driving licence.
Guess what: I have just got to know that my older sister is pregnant. She has been married for 5 years. Everyone in the family is very happy because we have been waiting for this event for the long time. Doctor says it will be a girl, so she’ll be my first niece. It is probably that my sister chooses me for a godmother, what is real privilege for me.
I have also more exciting news for you. Do you remember Ania – my flatmate?
She has recently got to know a very handsome man. After some time, he turned out a famous rock star! He comes to Ania every day and tell us incredible stories. You have to come to us and get to know him. What about coming to me during this holiday? Have you got any other plans? We could do some interesing things. You wouldn’t be bored here. What do you think about this idea? Let me know if you are decided.

See sou soon


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