Zdania do sprawdzenia

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Proszę o sprawdzenie poniższych 10-ciu zdań. Wyrazy pogrubione muszą zostać w zdaniu. Jeśli ktoś ma jakiś pomysł, jak je rozbudować, bardzo proszę napisać ;)

1. Our school meals are barely eatable and even our teachers prefer eating at the restaurants to eating there.
2. The article was written so readable that even child knows what it is about.
3. On my mother's travel's time, she held me accountable for our house.
4. After didn't repay a credit with high interests, John's factory went bankrupt.
5. Thanks to the higher contribution during establishment of company, Tom became its main owner.
6. Ana made a french leave from her friend's birthday party, because she was in bad mood.
7. Working only for 2 months, he advanced rapidly to the position of stakeholder.
8. National Bank of Poland is very important institution which gives an employment for many Poles.
9. Nowadays Automatic Teller Machine are becoming more and more popular.
10. Despite many oppositions, owner of big company wants to go private it.
Pomoże ktoś?
Zdania 3 i 6 sa niezrozumiale. W 10, opposition ujal bym niepoliczalne i zgubil bym IT.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 25 paź 2012
W trzecim chciałam powiedzieć coś typu: Na czas podróży mojej mamy, uczyniła mnie odpowiedzialną za nasz dom.
a w 6. Ana wyszla bez pożegnania z przyjecia urodzinowego, poniewaz byla w zlym humorze.

pomozesz jeszcze?;)
W 9 jest mowa o jednej ATM, prawda?
już widzę błąd w 9
W 6 nie widze mozliwosci zeby pogrubione slowa zostawic.
ale że zwrot jest zły? na ostatniej lekcji nam nauczyciel go podał
OK, moze ktos inny bedzie mial jakis pomysl.
Propozycja do 1. Po PREFER EATING daj gdzie indziej i opusc reszte.
A 6 jakby mogło brzmieć?
Tzn 3, pierwsza część zdania
Moze inni beda innego zdania ale ja mysle ze ACCOUNTABLE nie pasuje do kontekstu.
Ok.. a masz jakiś pomysł w jakim zdaniu mogłabym go użyć?
you can be accountable to your boss, you also can be accountable for your decisions, behaviour itd.

3. During my mum's absence at home, the house will be on my mind (dom bedzie na mojej glowie)
6. Ana made a TOOK french leave from AT her friend's birthday party, because she was in A bad mood.
edytowany przez grudziu: 25 paź 2012
zgadzam sie z fui...accountable dla mnie nie pasuje

moja propozycja:

During my mum's absence, I will be/she left me responsible for running/managing the household

9. ATMs (l.mnoga) are
6. dalej wielki belkot

I find the use of "eatable" jarring, but could be a BrE issue (I prefer edible)
Autorka chyba musiała ułożyć zdania z tymi 10 wyrazami z -able.
co do accountable, dobry pomysł na zdanie podał grudziu.
ok, nie 10 slow z -able, ale 10 wytluszczonych zslow i zwrotow.
Tylko, ze warunek jest: pogrubione zwroty pozostaja w niezmienionej formie.
@mg "the house will be on my mind"??
running the household will fall on my shoulders (if you like anatomical references)

"on my mind" usually conjures up a secret smile from me...
I'm a romantic, what can I say?
Cheers, @siuniab
'Always on my mind' by Kris Kristofferson (or is it a single f and a double s?) is the utmost romantic incarnation of this classic. Huh?

Grudziu's explanation about 'accountable' is what I had in mind (to boss, for decisions, etc.)
@mg I know better than to challenge your knowledge of music.
or grammar,
dang, long list.
Remind me not to get into an argument with you.
Cytat: siuniab
zgadzam sie z fui...accountable dla mnie nie pasuje

moja propozycja:

During my mum's absence, I will be/she left me responsible for running/managing the household

9. ATMs (l.mnoga) are
6. dalej wielki belkot

I find the use of "eatable" jarring, but could be a BrE issue (I prefer edible)

'Eatable' is absolutely ok here (don't have an idea of how it could sound to a Canadian. 'Edible' means a different thing.

6. dalej wielki belkot

If it's sheer gibberish to your ears, just make it right.
jak moge poprawiac jak nie wiem co autorka miala na mysli?
Po pierwsze, pisze sie "French" z duza litera
a French what?
guest? nanny? girlfriend/boyfriend? poodle?

When lunching, accompanied by friends, you would say to a waiter that a dish was 'edible', this would mean that after eating it you will not die, which would bring the house down:) I suppose . When sth is eatable, it doesn't mean it's poisonous or whatsoever, it just means that the meal is just good enough to be eaten, and that's it. That's how it looks from British English point of view.

Cytat: siuniab
jak moge poprawiac jak nie wiem co autorka miala na mysli?
Po pierwsze, pisze sie "French" z duza litera
a French what?
guest? nanny? girlfriend/boyfriend? poodle?

Ja juz nawet nie zwrocilem na to uwagi, although all nationalities should always be written with a capital letter, that's a fact, and I don't know why Polish learners cannot comprehend that. It's a very very systematic rule...
Cytat: siuniab
jak moge poprawiac jak nie wiem co autorka miala na mysli?
Po pierwsze, pisze sie "French" z duza litera
a French what?
guest? nanny? girlfriend/boyfriend? poodle?

I think what she wanted to say was that she (Ana) went unnoticed from that party.
edytowany przez grudziu: 26 paź 2012
polish = pasta do butow
Polish = refers to nationality

zabciu, re: edible, usage varies...co kraj, to obyczaj
I had to look up eatable in the dictionary; thought it was an error.
Cytat: siuniab
polish = pasta do butow
Polish = refers to nationality

zabciu, re: edible, usage varies...co kraj, to obyczaj

'polish' meaning 'to rub' is universal, IN IT? (like Londoners say)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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